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Cat health danger signs

As a cat owner, cat health problems are at the top of my list of concerns. The various illnesses your cat may face are many and varied, and your cat can't tell you how she's feeling, at least not in words. Feline illness symptoms, like that in humans, often overlap.

Generally speaking, your cat is at higher risk for developing an illness if she has been stressed in some way. Those stresses may come from other pre-existing health problems, or a life change of some kind. Examples of this might include recent injury or immune disease, or a recent surgery. Life changing events may also include the addition or removal of a family member or other pet, or perhaps you've recently moved.

Cats can catch a cold or the flu, or develop any number of feline specific problems, such as cat parasites. She can also be affected by heart disease, certain cancers, and diabetes. Some of these cat health issues will require treatment.

If you notice something is not right, it's best to call your veterinarian up front and let her know. That way, if things seem to get worse, both you and your vet will be better prepared to handle the situation later. Below are some problems to watch out for.

General indications — General cat health issues are sometimes similar to what you might experience if you had the flu, a cold, an injury, or an infection. You may see your cat coughing or sneezing. In addition, nasal discharge, lethargy, a fever, or sometimes excessive drooling may be present.

If at any time you notice that your cat faints or falls down, has difficulty walking, jumping, or breathing, contact your veterinarian immediately. You should also be concerned by rapid weight loss or gain, or a bloated appearance or tightness in the abdomen. Other signs of serious feline illness are excessive vomiting or blood in the vomit, signs of pain, or signs of worms.

Change in behavior — A dramatic change in routine or behavior in your cat may be a sign of illness. If your cat is normally social, but decides to hide in a room all day, that is probably a sign that something is wrong. A sudden change in sleeping habits, excessive scratching or licking behavior, or unusual aggressive tendencies may be signs that there is a problem.

Eating and drinking — Loss of appetite is very common in sick cats, as many animals will refuse to eat when they're not feeling right. Also on this list would be difficulty in chewing or eating. Failure to drink or excessive drinking are indicators as well. Dehrydation, which can be life threatening, results from failure to drink. Refusal to drink while leaning over the drinking bowl is a definite sign of a problem, and increased thirst is a symptom of a number of diseases, including diabetes.

In order to stay alert to cat health problems, you'll want to be alert to your cat's usual behavior patterns. Cats are very good at hiding some of these warning signs. Pay attention to your cat's habits including sleeping, drinking, eating, litter box usage, and levels of activity. If you see a change, keep a closer eye on your cat to see if there's a problem.

Groom your cat at least once a week, preferably more. This is an excellent time to examine your cat for these warning signs. Your cat's attention will be occupied by the grooming, and you can examine her while she's distracted. Checking your cat regularly will help you keep on top of any cat health problems that may arise.

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