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FKS or fading kitten syndrome: The signs and preventions of FKS

Fading Kitten Syndrome is what is used to describe the situation when a kitten dies aged under 12 weeks old. These kittens often fail to thrive and grow and develop as they should. Fading Kitten Syndrome or FKS is similar to SIDs in humans and can be referred to as a “mystery illness” when often the exact cause of death is unknown. Most often kittens affected by Fading Kitten Syndrome are born into an unhealthy environment or to a sickly, weak mother cat.

To reduce the chances of Fading Kitten Syndrome, it is a good idea to look after the pregnant mother especially well. She needs to eat a diet suitable for her pregnant status and be as healthy as possible. Obesity in a mother cat can cause problems for her kittens, it is best not to intentionally breed an obese cat.

What to watch for:

Be alert after birth for the presence of birth defects, which may not always be immediately apparent. Be alert during birth for extended labor that may injure kittens and for neglect on the part of the mother. Do not abandon the mother cat during birth. Remain nearby to offer assistance if needed, especially if appears that the mother cat may engage in behaviors such as cannibalism of the newborn kittens.

Potential Problems with the litter:

Problems may arise even after a successful birth. A rare situation in which the blood type of one or more kittens differs from that of the mother can result in death. The condition affects pure-bred cats more often than mixed breeds. There is no known cure. A more frequent occurrence is that one kitten will be crowded out by his littermates and will not be able to nurse enough to get adequate nutrition. If the mother cat rejects the litter and refuses to nurse the kittens, it is up to the owner to hand-rear the kittens.

The environment the kittens live in can also influence cases of Fading Kitten Syndrome. Baby kittens are not equipped to keep themselves warm. They need their mother. Parasites, bacteria, viruses and hypothermia, dehydration, and environmental diseases can all play a part in FKS.

It is possible to be cautious about Fading Kitten Syndrome, but it is not always possible to reverse its effects. Giving the mother cat a healthy and nutritious diet during pregnancy and weaning will help keep the kittens healthy. Also, providing a safe clean place for the birth will help also. Keep an eye on the development of the kittens for any signs of slow growth or paternal neglect on the part of the mother cat.

Understanding what Fading Kitten Syndrome is can help you prevent it from happening. The earlier it is spotted the more likely the outcome will be favorable.

Have you experienced Fading Kitten Syndrome or know someone that has?  What did you do?  What tips/advice can you share below that might help other kitten owners facing the same situation?  

Related article:  The Causes & Symptoms of Fading Kitten Syndrome (

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