Getting a new pet is one of the best things you can do to improve the quality of your life and become a better and caring person, but the truth is that being a pet owner requires a lot of patience, effort, love, and money. If you want to get a cat, but you aren’t really sure what steps to take – don’t worry, because we’re here to help you out. Just keep on reading and learn about four essential steps of preparing for a new cat. Check them out and enjoy!
First of all, check with your landlord if you’re renting your home
The first and one of the most essential things before making a final decision to get a cat is consulting with your landlord, which is of the utmost importance when you’re renting your home. A lot of people aren’t actually okay with animals living in their apartment, which is completely fine, and that’s exactly why you should check with them whether a pet is allowed or not. You should always give your best to be honest about your intentions, because getting a cat and bringing it home without informing your landlord can get quite tricky. Finding out that animals aren’t allowed right after you’ve already bought or adopted a pet can cause a lot of problems, both with the landlord and with the cat, so try to avoid that and speak your mind loud and clear in order to prevent potential stressful situations.
Make sure you understand all costs associated with cat ownership
Owning a cat or any other pet means a lifetime of costs, so be sure you realize in time if that’s okay with you or not. Getting a pet is an extremely exciting experience that can improve the quality of your life, but you need to be ready for a lot of expected and unexpected costs that accompany pet ownership. Apart from healthy cat food and treats, you’ll also have to provide litter and a litter box, toys, and other important facilities your new cat will need. Veterinary costs are what you should take into consideration as well, since you’ll have to take your cat to a vet check at least once a year. Of course, your cat will need to be taken to the vet even more often if it gets sick, which means that you’ll have to spend more money. It’s also important to know that cats, similarly to people, tend to experience more health issues and develop chronic illnesses throughout the process of aging, so you should be ready for that, too.
Cat-proof your home and make it safe for your new pet
If you’ve never owned a cat before, you certainly can’t know how many potential hazards are there in your home for your new pet. First of all, you should start with de-cluttering your home, so taking care of the rubbish collection and getting rid of unnecessary trash should be first on your to-do list. Once that’s done, you should also put away your personal care products that can be easily spilled or knocked down. The same goes for your medicines, which can be extremely hazardous for your cat. Live plants are no longer wanted in your home as many of them can be toxic to curious cats who like to try out everything they can. All kinds of small objects, ribbons, yarn, and thread should also be hid somewhere safe, out of your cat’s reach, as it can swallow or ingest them and cause a huge problem that can be solved only at the vet’s.
Provide the necessary facilities for your cat
As already stated above, getting a cat is accompanied by a lot of new expenses, such as buying quality cat food and treats, litter and a litter box, and cat toys, but there are many other facilities your cat will also need on a daily basis. When it comes to its bed, you should opt for the right shape, size, and fabric; however, there’s something even more important than that. The position of its bed matters more than everything listed above, as cats feel much better higher up – when they see what’s going on below them, but don’t have to worry about what’s above. A scratching post or strips are also essential, as well as quality food and water bowls that’ll make everything much easier. You should also get a collar with an ID tag for your cat, which is particularly important if it’s going to spend some time outside. Of course, such a collar is an example of visible identification – your cat should also be microchipped, so that you can easily track it if it gets lost. You should know that a litter box should be cleaned daily, simply because cats love being clean and don’t like stepping into a dirty one. Non-fragrance litter is probably the best choice, since cats aren’t particularly fond of fragrances.
As you can see, there are a lot of things you simply need to take into consideration when preparing for a new cat. Consulting with your landlord should be your top priority, and if he or she agrees, you can start and make you home pet-friendly. Just be sure you understand the costs and provide the required facilities, and your cat will have a wonderful life next to its caring owner!