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How to raise a kitten

Before you bring your new kitten home, you need to know how to raise a kitten so you understand what you can expect and to make the transition as smooth as possible for every member of the household.

Most kittens are between 6 and 8 weeks when you bring them home, which is a good age to start a new life. At this age they are fully weaned, eating proper food and have learnt the basics of clean habits. Kittens that are very young may not thrive properly.

Always get your kitten from a reputable breeder or pet store and make sure it has had all its necessary inoculations. Check local government regulations regarding registration. Take your kitten to your own veterinarian to have a complete health check and find out what other vaccinations and health care is needed.

There are some things you need to have on hand before your kitten comes home. These include a litter tray and litter, dishes for food and water, cat food, bedding and a couple of toys. Cats are naturally very clean animals, and if you provide a litter tray with clean litter in it, your kitten will quickly learn to use it. It is important to keep the litter tray clean and fresh, as a cat will not use a dirty tray. Put the litter tray in a quiet place for privacy.

Continue feeding the food the kitten is used to for a few weeks to help prevent stomach upsets which are sometimes caused by changing the diet suddenly. This also reduces the number of major changes happening to the kitten and helps it settle better. Be sure to feed at regular times, and let the kitten eat in peace, without interruption. Fresh water must be available all the time. Wash the food and water dishes every day.

The type of bedding you provide for your kitten will depend on your budget and your preference. A cat really appreciates a cat basket, but a soft blanket or a couple of towels will do just as well. Show the kitten its bed and it will soon know to use it. Remember the kitten is a baby and needs lots of sleep in the first weeks in its new home.

Toys provide your kitten with exercise and activity to it doesn’t get bored; with no toys to play with, kitten may play with the lounge room curtains instead! Have several play times together each day, as this tires the kitten and forms a bond between it and its family. Cat toys are available in a fabulous variety, but some paper rolled into a ball or a sock filled with paper are just as effective and as much fun.

Cats are fairly independent creatures and generally settle in to their new home easily. Discipline is a necessary part of life to allow everyone to live comfortably together, and you may need to prevent your kitten from sharpening claws on furniture and climbing the curtains. A cat scratching post is a really good idea, as claw sharpening is a natural instinct.

When you know how to raise a kitten properly, you will enjoy the company and fun that living with a cat represents.

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