When it is time to bring a new kitten into the household, there are some basic cat care for the new kitten items that you will need. Don’t be tempted with all the things that are on the market but start with the necessities. Make a list and bring it with you.
Food should be the number one item. You will need bowls for both food and water. If your pet has been on a regular diet since learning to feed itself, stick with the same food. Different foods can be offered later as long as they are nutritional.
Second on your list is a litter-box, a scoop, and good quality litter. One of the nice things about a cat, is that there is no need to house break them. They are instinctively drawn to the litter-box. Choose an absorbent kind that also neutralize odor. Keep the litter clean or your kitten will find another place to go.
When you have reason to transport your cat to the groomers or the vets, your best option is a cat carrier. Buy one big enough to suit your feline when it is fully grown and save yourself added expense. The best ones are wired so kitty can see out. Stay away from cardboard boxes and wicker.
No animal has a stronger love for toys than a cat. Inexpensive toys with added catnip or even a bell will hold their interest. If you can’t afford one right now, simple items made from home are good. A piece of string with a feature tied on it or a piece of paper rolled into a ball will keep them playing indefinitely.
A cat condo will supply different needs. It gives your pet a place to explore. In addition, it is a great scratching post because it is covered in carpet. Hopefully it will also be used as a place to sleep. Cats like to pick there own sleeping areas, so don’t be surprised if you see them on your bed, your couch, or even nestled in your basket full of laundry.