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The stages of kitten development

The remarkable growth of kittens in their first weeks of life is demonstrated by the stages of kitten development. Kittens of all cat breeds progress through the stages of kitten development.

When a kitten is born, the kitten is tiny and appears helpless. Newborn kittens are deaf and their eyes are closed. The umbilical cord typically falls off within the first three days.

Within the first week, newborn kittens usually double their weight. Newborn kittens do little more and than nurse and sleep. Separation from the mother early in the newborn kittens life can be detrimental to the kitten’s ability to learn and be socialized.

By the end of the kitten’s second week, the kitten’s eyes will open. Even though their eyes are open, the kitten’s sense of sight is not fully developed until the fifth week. The eyes of kittens are always blue for the first several weeks.

Beginning in the third week, kittens become aware of their environments. By the end of the third week, the kittens begin to be able to hear and their sense of smell has developed. The kitten’s socialization skills start to develop between the second and seventh weeks.

During the kittens fourth week, they begin to explore their environment. They may begin to take their first shaky steps during the third or fourth week. Their interest and curiosity in their environment increases.

In the kitten’s fifth week, the kitten becomes more socially interactive with its siblings and people. Many kittens learn to use the litter box beginning during the fifth week.

Kittens are typically weaned from their mother at around eight weeks of age. Kittens experience a time period of their most active play from the seventh to the fourteenth week.

Once kittens are about six months of age, they begin to establish their rank within the household. Kittens gain a sense of status among their siblings, other pets in the household, and people. Kittens often test their ranking in status until they are about eighteen months old.

Some cat breeds mature slower than others. While many kittens reach full size around eighteen months of age, kittens of a few cat breeds can take up to five years.

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