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Types of cat worms: How to de-worm your cat

Your cat can be struck by different parasitic infections. Though quite a few cat worms can be curable at home, it is still advisable to take your cat to the vet. You must remark that humans can also be affected by these infections when in contact with infected cats.

Types of cat worms:

* Tapeworms: Dipylidium Caninum is a common type of tapeworms in cats. If infested with fleas, Cats are very liable to get tapeworms. Also cats hunting wildlife infested with tapeworm can be infested. Once the eggs are inside the cats intestine, they break down and mature into adult tapeworms. Then it attaches itself to the wall of the intestine and starts feeding on its nutrients. The tail segment drops off and passes through the cat stool. These segments bear the eggs and looks like rice grains when dried.

Tapeworms cannot be treated with over-the-counter dewormers. Hence, a visit of a vet is unavoidable.

* Hookworms: these are very thin and small worms which attach themselves to the wall of the cats intestine and suck blood. Cats contract hookworms by ingesting soil fouled with hookworm eggs. Symptoms are bloody diarrhea, anemia, weakness and loss of stamina. Hookworms can be disastrous, even result to death if not remedied in a timely fashion.

Its cause is identified by studying stool sample of the cat.

* Roundworms: Most kitties are born with roundworm larvae in their tissues. They are migrated from the mothers tissues right from the time the kitten was in the mothers uterus. Cats can contract roundworms by eating infected lizards, birds and bugs or also by ingesting polluted soil. The larvae migrates to the intestinal pathways and stay in the small intestine and develop into adult roundworms. The eggs are passed in the cat stool and they are capable of re-infecting the kitten, other dogs or cats, if the contaminated feces are eaten.

Roundworms can be deadly. If you see symptoms like pot belly and poor growth in your kitten, then visit the vet right away.


* Remove feces from the backyard on a regular basis. * De-worm your cat under vet superintendence. * Have the cat stool studied regularly in repeated cases. * Don’t mix as they are poisonous and can be fatal and don’t give any other wormer if your cat is currently under medication. * Regularly visit a veterinarian if you notice any symptoms of cat worms.

You must note that all cat worms can also affect humans. And they also have high prospects of re-infecting your pet. It is wise to get your cat treated by a vet if you see or even suspect any form of cat worms.

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