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Common illnesses in cats – Get to know what ails your pet

Although all forms of felines are generally known to live long and healthy lives, the domesticated cats suffer from minor health disorders from time to time that can be easily overcome with preventive and timely treatment. Keep an eye open for any changes in your cat’s usual behavioral patterns which may be an indication of some common cat ailment it is afflicted with.

Unlike other species of animals, hair balls embody the most common disorder found in cats. It does not matter if you possess a short or a long haired feline, the hair ball still finds its way into your pet. Although more prominent in the medium to long hairs species of cat, the hairball dilemma can be diminished by combing and brushing your cat regularly. Not only does this practice generate an attractive cat but it eliminates loose hair which would otherwise end up in your “kitty’s” stomach.

Adding a small quantity like a teaspoonful of fish oil to their food on a weekly basis would aid in making the swallowed dead hairs to be safely ejected with their feces through their digestive system. Feeding cats daily with (canned) pumpkin and a little bran are also good for their general well being. Cats that do not have a long ancestral history of highly refined domestication, and who still retain some of their wild traits, get over most of their mild ailments by chewing on some types of grass and other wild plants found growing freely in untended backyards.

Now let’s discuss those creatures which readily instigate horrendous havoc with not only your cat’s life but also yours. I am talking about none other then those infuriating fleas. These pests not only cause widespread itching but also tend to spread diseases. It is not uncommon for some cats to acquire specific physical allergies resulting from flea bites. Others may encounter either mental or emotional distress.

As with controlling the hair ball, a routine of recurring grooming will severely reduce your cat’s flea infestation. The commercially available flea collars readily aid in dealing with these obnoxious pests. You can also locate environmentally sound fur rubs which deter the fleas while affording your pet a pleasurable odor. Should your cat be incapable of coping with fleas, you should consult with your veterinarian regarding the possibilities of flea inoculations.

When your cat scratches the inside of their ears, other illnesses can be present such as ear mites. They can also have wax buildup which can irritate and annoy your cat. A good thing about this is that it is easily remedied. Whenever you visit the veterinarian, they will probably notice this condition with your cat and solve it easily. They can also provide you with the necessary medications to give to your cat. Ear mites should be treated as early as possible to prevent the loss of hearing of your cat a well as affect their health.

Cats are also affected with mental and emotional distress, usually created by trauma from a change such as moving or relocating. It may be hard for your adult cat to adapt to the new surroundings. There are even cases of cats traveling back to their original homes by foot regardless of its distance. One thing you have to understand about cats is that they take their territory seriously and will fully protect their property. Humans do not recognize the fences that they build to protect their territory. It is only cats who can tell from their markings of urine and fecal matter.

Like humans, some of their major ailments too start with minor symptoms and could be easily averted through alertness and prompt treatment at the early stages itself. Therefore a visit to your veterinarian would be well worth your trouble at the slightest visible signs of departure from your cat’s normal behavioral patterns such as for instance brooding, vomiting, loss of appetite or changed patters in eating habits and eating times, so as to save your cat from much pain, agony and sometimes death itself.

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