Tips for caring for your new cat

If it's been a while since you had a cat in your home, or if you're bringing your first cat home as a pet, you will need to review some basic advice in house cat care. Like any pet, a cat has very specific needs and the more information you have, the more likely it is that you'll be able to guarantee your cat's health and happiness. Just take a few minutes to look over the advice given here to ensure your cat's well-being and long healthy life.

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Cat health care on a budget

In tough economic times, one of the first places people look to cut expenses is pet health. The purpose of this article is to help you realize that cutting corners and buying pre-packaged cat food is the worst thing you can do for your cat's health and well-being, and your budget.

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This is how you take care of cats

Caring for a cat goes beyond providing shelter and love. It encompasses understanding their needs, ensuring they have a healthy diet, regular grooming, and preventive health care. This comprehensive guide outlines the key elements of cat care, integrating expert advice and practical tips to help you and your feline friend enjoy a long, joyful life together.

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Caring for your cat guidelines

If you have decided to keep a cat as a pet, be prepared for long-term cat care. Before you own a cat, give your efforts a good start, so that you avoid making any mistakes. Cats make loving friends, but know about their feeding needs, which need not be the leftovers. The best thing to do is to get the best cat food that is available, so that your feline friend feels charged and remains healthy.

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Cat care: How it's done

Ensuring the health and happiness of your feline friend involves much more than just providing them with food and shelter. It's about understanding their needs and fulfilling them in a way that promotes their well-being. This guide, underpinned by the expertise from Purina, ASPCA, and International Cat Care, delves into the essentials of cat care, highlighting the importance of mental enrichment, regular grooming, and preventive health measures.

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Geriatric Cats

As cats age and come in to that middle age period from around 7 – 8 years of age, it is important for owners to keep an eye out for symptoms that could indicate the beginnings of a disease or syndrome. Middle aged to older cats are very prone to developing diabetes, kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, arthritis and sometimes sadly, even cancer.

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