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Keep your floors clean with cat litter mats

“Oh no! Not again!” Is that your reaction when your dear little pet cat tracks dirt from the litter box onto your spotless floor? I suppose that must be it, and countless times you must have said it too. Not only does the litter affect the cleanliness of the house in general, it can actually damage your precious floor coverings and flooring.

Even the cushions and the upholstery on your sofa sets can get soiled with these litter particles if your cat has a penchant for jumping onto the furniture, which most cats do! This is doubly damaging. First of all you have to get a professional cleaner to come to the house to clean the upholstery and the carpets, an expensive business.

Secondly, the frequent cleaning, though professionally done, takes its toll on the longevity of these items, and you’ll find them getting threadbare and unusable much before their regular lifespan. This means replacement of these items which is frightfully expensive. So what can be done? The solution is very straightforward: use a cat litter mat.

The cat litter mat is for cats what a doormat is for people. Placed just before the litter box, the cat litter mat wipes the litter from the paws of your pet as it steps daintily out of the litter box. The cat litter mat is fabricated from specially prepared textured rubber. The textured surface catches the litter particles from your pet’s paws. Thus, the cat litter mat saves your precious upholstery and flooring, and by localizing the spread of litter, makes house-cleaning so much easier than before.

The cat litter mat makes sure that the cat’s paws are free of litter debris. So when your cat does lick its paws, there’s no way that it can ingest litter particles. This means that the cat is free from health hazards associated with ingesting litter particles. All this means a healthier pet. In fact everything is cleaner, brighter, better than before – from the flooring to the furniture to the bedclothes.

Though they are very effective you may not want to buy a commercial cat litter mat. You can make up your own from an old rubber bathmat, and cover it with blankets or rugs that are ready to be trashed. Tufted or looped rugs are ideal for the purpose. The same can be said for pieces of old carpets. Just make sure that you can wash and clean these pieces of blankets, rugs, or carpets easily. Because they’ll need to be cleaned often otherwise they’ll start smelling as bad as the dirt they pick up.

Whichever way, home-made or commercial, a cat litter mat is the perfect solution to controlling the problem of your cat tracking litter throughout the house.Your house will be cleaner. Your flooring, floor coverings, and even furniture and bedding are safe from getting dirty and damaged.

Not only your pet, but your family will also remain healthier because they won’t be exposed to bacteria and germs from the litter debris that your cat may occasionally track onto the bed linen or furniture. So don’t delay any more, go out and get that cat litter mat for a healthier, cleaner household!

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