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Do rendering plants have an impact on your cat’s food?

There are several hundred Rendering Plants across the U.S. They quietly dispose of millions of tons of dead animals, meat waste and fat. What is commonly found in rendering plants?

Rendering Plants are places where you can commonly witness many types of animals in varying states of existence such as; diseased, disabled, dying, dead and decaying. You can also hear their cries of agony. These places process animal flesh and grease, from fast food restaurants, into bone meal, yellow grease, tallow and commercial meat where much of their products end up in commercial pet foods.

Rendering Plants claim that by removing dead, decaying animals from our streets, they are doing a public service and not doing it for profits. If that were true, why would the Rendering Plants sell their products to dogs and cat food companies?

A peek inside a Rendering Plant

Various animals in all types of conditions lay in piles awaiting their turn to be added to the mixture as swarms of maggots can be seen all over the piles. This is what you would witness inside of a Rendering Plant.

As workers operating mini dozers load the animals into a 10-foot-deep stainless steel pit also known as a vat, a giant auger-grinder begins to turn. The sounds of popping bone, squeezing flesh and the final cries can be heard.

Yellow grease or tallow that’s produced by this process are skimmed off and sent to a hammer mill press where the remainder of moisture is removed and the final product is pulverized into a gritty powder. A shaker then removes excess bone and hair so all you have left are bone meal, yellow grease and meat.

Every day of the week, Rendering Plants truck millions of tons of their products to manufacturers that put it into cosmetics and animal feed that ends up in pet food products and since humans eat meat, it can end up on our tables.

Are your pets benefiting from these ingredients?

Products labeled as meat meal, meat by-products, poultry meal, Poultry by-products, fish meal, fish oil, yellow grease, tallow, beef fat and chicken fat all are products of Rendering Plants.

Pets are shoved into the pit with flea collars still attached. The insecticide Dursban arrives in the form of cattle insecticide patches. Euthanized drugs given to pets and pharmaceuticals leak from antibiotics in livestock are also included.

In spite of the fact that heavy metals from pets’ ID tags, surgical pins and needles, plastic wrap from supermarket rejected meat, chicken and fish, according to Rendering Plant officials, they would incur too much cost to remove ID tags, Styrofoam trays and shrink wrap so that too becomes part of your pet food.

It’s not unfair to conclude that without Rendering Plants, U.S. cities could be filled with diseased and rotting carcasses. Diseases and bacteria could infect the population but the big question is; is it safe for pet food manufacturers to use products from Rendering Plants in our pet foods?

Rendering plants produce products that are toxic to our pets. Cats and dogs are part of the raw material that Rendering Plants use to produce their toxic concoction and the drug Sodium Phenobarbital used to euthanize cats and dogs is not destroyed in the rendering process. Therefore this drug is part our of our pets foods.

All pet owners want is food for our four-legged friends that is wholesome, nutritional and free of toxic ingredients. The pet food companies have proven they are not going to do that.

They consistently produce pet foods that are killing our pets and millions of pet owners continue to buy their products and feed it to their pets. Pet owners have refused to invest the time to discover what goes into a bag of their cats’ or other pet food.

There is something that all of you pet owners should realize, you are sentencing your pet to a premature and painful death. Yes, I’m speaking to you if you are one of millions of pet owners buying and feeding your pet commercial pet food. Simply put, if you fail to take time to discover what goes into the food that your pet eats the commercial pet food industry will capitalize on that and our pets will continue to to die prematurely and the makers of this food will continue to laugh all the way to the bank.

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