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Homemade cat treats

Making homemade cat treats can be an enjoyable experience for both those who like making all their cat’s food and cat owners who typically use commercial cat food. Many recipes for homemade cat treats are quick and easy.  Recipes for homemade cat treats can be found by using a search engine. A cat owner may be able to find a recipe collecting ingredients that they already have in the house. Fishy cat treats is a simple recipe for homemade cat treats. The cat owner can decide if they would like to use canned tuna, salmon, or mackerel in the recipe.

The recipe calls for one can of tuna or one third cup of canned salmon or canned mackerel. The fish of choice should be put in a bowl and mashed if necessary. One cup of dried, plain breadcrumbs should be added to the fish. After adding one tablespoon of vegetable oil and one beaten egg to the bowl, the cat owner should mix all the ingredients.

The cat owners should drop small spoonfuls of the mixture onto a baking sheet that has been sprayed with nonstick spray. In a 350 degree oven, the treats should be baked about eight minutes or until lightly browned.

The cat owner can put the cooked fishy cat treats on a wire rack or clean kitchen towel to cool. The cat treats should be completely cool before feeding them to the cat. These cat treats can be stored in airtight container in the refrigerator after they have cooled completely.

Cat owners should not be afraid to experiment with different ingredients. Not all cats like fish. If the cat does not like fish, the cat owner may want to try using canned chicken instead. Though variations in the recipe may not have been tested, it does not hurt to try varying the ingredients to suit the cat’s tastes.

The cat owner may want to try substituting ground beef for the fish for something different. The ground beef should be cooked thoroughly before added to the rest of the ingredients. Veggie cat treats the be made by using finely shredded carrots or finely chopped cooked vegetables in place of the meat.

The cat owner needs to make sure that the ingredients for homemade cat treats include anything that could be harmful to cats. Occasionally giving cats homemade cat treats that contain tuna is considered safe, but cats should not eat excessive amounts of tuna due to concerns over possible mercury content. If a cat owner has questions about the safety of ingredients, they should consult their veterinarian.

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