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Preparing a nutrition diet for your new kitten

Kittens are not merely mini cats; they seriously require certain special attention and care to help them grow up into strong healthy cats. Kittens need higher proteins to help build and grow strong bones, generally about 30 percent protein in their food, compared to adult cats that need only about 25 percent. They also need more calories as kittens are generally more active, the extra calories would give them the necessary energy to explore and play.

Veterinary also take particular note on the importance of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an omega-3 fatty acid that naturally occurs in the kitten’s nursing mother’s milk. DHA is important to the development of brain and ocular tissue, and kitten cat foods are often enhanced with added DHA.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn, author of “Dr. Pitcairn’s Complete Guide to the Natural Health for Dogs and Cats,” Rodale Press, has a homemade kitten formula that he says closely approximates the nutrition in feline’s milk. The following recipe listed below is close to 42% protein, 25% fat and 24.6% carbohydrates. One serving holds 566 kilocalories.

Kitten Formula

2 cups whole milk

2 large eggs

5 teaspoons protein powder from animal source

1/3 teaspoon bonemeal

1 day’s worth cat vitamin supplement

100 mg taurine if it is not present in the supplement

Mix ingredients well. Warm to body temperature and feed with a dropper or doll bottle. When kittens are 3 to 4 weeks old, you can introduce solid foods by mixing them well into the formula.

A kitten feeding schedule should approximately up to 2 weeks feed every 2 hours a total daily serving of 2 to 4 tablespoons; at 3 weeks feed every 3 hours a total daily serving of 4 to 6 tablespoons; at 4 weeks feed every 4 hours a total daily serving of 6 to 10 tablespoons; and at 6 weeks feed a total daily serving of about 8 to 12 tablespoons across 3 feedings.

After 6 weeks, kittens can begin to eat the regular cat formulas. If you simply have not time to prepare a homemade meal for your new kitten, make sure that you feed a correct wholesome natural formula designed for your kitten’s stage of life. It is important that you start your kitten out with the right nutrition, so that she will be set up on the right stage and be healthy through her adult life.

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