Caring for a cat during summer

During hot summer months it is important to take extra care of your cat. Be…

Your cat litter choices

There are numerous reasons why many people consider the cat to be an ideal family…

Cat urinary tract: Food to maintain feline urinary healthy

There are several foods that you should never feed your cat, as they will not…

Advice for your cat’s urinary infection

Cats get urinary infections more often than you might think. As their causes are not…

The perks of cat ownership 101

It is not embarrassing to admit that every person needs someone to accompany him in…

How to choose a cat for your family

There are many benefits when you learn how to choose the right cat, but you…

Why being a cat owner is great

It is not embarrassing to admit that every person needs someone to accompany him in…

vet looking at cats eye
Exactly how many eyelids do cats have?

The mysterious gaze of a cat often leaves us spellbound, but the true wonder lies…

Make your own cat food

If a cat owner wants to start to make their own cat food, there are…

Examples of plants poisonous to cats

Cat owners should be aware of plants poisonous to cats. Though many people decorate with…