How to train your cat to respond to it’s name

Cats are very smart animals, but they aren't born that way. Most pets will respond…

Cat food coupons

There are expenses related to cat ownership such as litter, veterinary costs, and cat food.…

How to take care of a new kitten

There are many things we should know about caring for a kitten. It can be…

Scat cat litter odor with fine pine

There are a number of products on the shelves which cater to the pet cat…

Homemade cat food recipe

Many cat owners enjoy preparing their cats food at home. Cat owners may make homemade…

What is feline distemper

Feline distemper is a dangerous cat viral infection that is preventable. This condition is sometimes…

Causes of hair loss in cats

As a loving cat parent, you may become increasingly concerned when you start to notice…

Good news for cat owners! Flush the litter!

If you're fed up of picking up the cat's litter and marching down the hall…

How to understand your cat’s behavior and how quick cat training can fix it

Is your relationship with your cat suffering from a lack of good behavior on your…

Types of cat worms: How to de-worm your cat

Your cat can be struck by different parasitic infections. Though quite a few cat worms…