Cat breeding guidelines

You might be surprised to learn that the human population and cats have been linked…

Raw food can heal – and hurt – your cat

The raw food pet industry is in full bloom.That is a wonderful thing because raw…

The Rarest Persian Cats

Known for its sweet pansy face and a long thick coat of hair the Persian…

Geriatric Cats

As cats age and come in to that middle age period from around 7 –…

Keep your floors clean with cat litter mats

"Oh no! Not again!" Is that your reaction when your dear little pet cat tracks…

Your cat at the groomer

Cats have an amazing and specially designed tongue that they use to keep their fur…

Training your cat to use a toilet

With the recent popularity of cat training, more and more people are looking into teaching…

Cat food ingredients you should avoid

Finding nutritious healthy food for your cat is not as easy as it seems. Looking…

Grooming for Maine Coon cats

I am sure that when you have looked at your Maine Coon Cat, and seen…

Is silica cat litter a health risk for your cat?

The newest cat litter to hit the market is one that is based on silica.…