The History and Origins of the Lykoi or Wolf Cat Breed
The Lykoi cat is an unusual breed with a unique appearance. Usually referred to as…
The Causes & Symptoms of Fading Kitten Syndrome
Fading kitten syndrome is a common yet sometimes confusing condition in kittens. It usually occurs…
Adventure Kitty: Top Tips for Traveling With Your Cat
Traveling with your cat is a great way to let them interact with new sights,…
Top 6 Cat Beds We Recommend for Every Type of Cat Sleeper
According to, cats can sleep between 12 and 16 hours in a day, on…
Wet food vs. dry food debate
Cats need meat and depend on their food for moisture, and the most suitable food…
6 Ways To Keep Your Cat Happy In A Small Apartment
There's nothing like the sound of purring when you wake up in the morning. Apartment…
5 Tips For Traveling Nomads Who Want To Adopt a Fur baby
If you love pets but love travel too it can be difficult to decide whether…
Should You Declaw Your Cat?
Here is a question for the ages among cat lovers - "Should you declaw your cat?". There…