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Cat training and cat behavior

The cat’s probable social behavior varies extremely from ferociously self
determining to compatibly outgoing with other felines. According to a few
professionals a cat s social qualities are “in evolution” from self dependent to
mutually dependent.

In reality, a cat s behavior and resultant societal relations with other cats
are dependent on factors such as population density of neighborhood cats,
premature knowledge and the amount of food available in the vicinity.

Variation In The Population Density And Grouping Dynamics:

family cat is a solitary seeker. It requires a large area to catch adequate
prey, while scrounging for itself and it will protect that area from other cats
too. From a study, it is revealed that a vicinity of sq mile (1 sq km) will
sustain nearly five cats in the agricultural areas of Europe, North America and

Altering circumstances such as new felines, absence of few
cats or new people greatly affects the social dynamics of cats. Social
acquaintances generally develop between females and kittens, and rarely by adult
males in a characteristic assembly of tamed cats, who stay with humans. Cats
settle differences normally by visual contact or occasionally by a swipe of its
paw once, there is friendliness amongst cats residing in the same place.

When two cats meet up suddenly, the cat that has a higher status is
generally the superior at that time. However, it might not be the same during
the next meeting. Odor and well being also affects the status of a cat. When a
cat comes home after undergoing treatment at a hospital for some medical issue,
sometimes a healthy household cat attacks it. Once a status is formed in a multi
cat home, however differences are rare.

Behavioral Changes Caused By

When food is available in plenty, social relations increase
because the reasons for fighting decrease. Sparsely distributed hunting cats
exhibit defensive gestures rather than social while well fed cats in
neighborhood areas usually exhibit outgoing social interactions. Household cats
are the friendliest, since food is aplenty at home.

The Importance Of
Family And Matriarchy:

One should not expect a household cat to be
pleased with the arrival of a new feline just because it gets plentiful food and
it has a very easy life. It is nearly impossible. Cats can get along with one
another only, if they share a blood relationship.

The other important
thing is early castration. Although untamed male cats make very less social
relations than females, neutered male cats make the same number of social
contacts as neutered female cats. Neutering improves male feline relationships

The cat family is mostly matriarchal. Untamed cat
population generally contains four or more blood related feline generations. The
most frequent social communication amongst females is licking rather than

The mother, grandmother, sisters and other female members
remove the male kittens from the colony as soon as they mature and exhibit rough
play behavior. These males accompany other males, who generally hover around and
prevent any unrelated male from coming near.

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