With the recent popularity of cat training, more and more people are looking into teaching their cats how to use a toilet. Just so we're clear here, I'm not talking about litter box training. I'm referring to a proper toilet that you or I would use! Do a quick search on Youtube and you'll see that this is indeed possible.
Make no mistake though. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish. Cats take to a litter box with very few issues. A good old fashioned toilet, on the other hand, is very foreign to a kitty. If you're keen on giving this a go, here are a few things you might want to try.
Most people that have success training their cat to use a toilet do so with a specially designed kit. These kits contain everything you need to toilet train your kitty including detailed instructions. Most of these products aren't meant for overweight cats. If you're cat is a bit on the chubby side, use this kit at your own risk. They're available for purchase on-line if you're interested.
Something else that you may want to try is outlined in the next few paragraphs. This is cheaper and doesn't require any products. You will need a ton of patience though. Make sure your kitty knows how to use his litter box before attempting this.
Here's what you're going to do. Move your kitty's litter box so it's in the general area of your toilet. What we're going to do is slowly trick your cat into believing that your toilet is actually his litter box.
Now it's time to up the ante. Place the litter box on a chair or stool beside the toilet. The height of the litter box should be equal to the height of the toilet bowl. Wait until your cat is comfortable with this before moving on.
The next part seems kind of silly but don't overlook this. You need to place the litter box on the toilet bowl. When your cat eventually gets used to this, remove the litter box. Now watch in amazement as your cat gets himself up on to the toilet and does his business.
As you go about teaching your cat these methods, please keep one thing in mind. Whether you're using a kit or not, the most important thing you'll need is patience. This will take a serious amount of time and dedication. It's definitely possible to have a toilet trained cat. Work hard and in not too long you won't have to buy kitty litter ever again.