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What to do if your cat is aggressive

Cats are usually considered relatively calm and peaceful animals. Many assume that a cat will be loving and docile, playful and independent, in other words, acting like a cat, if they are just given good food, clean water and a safe place to rest.But not all cats have the laid back couch potato meditative zen type of style. Some cats are constantly going at 160 mph. Fast, agile, interested, investigating, and bouncing off the walls, keeping their owners awake at night by leaping across the bed or attacking toes under the blanket. Cats are as different to each others as humans are. As long as the personality style is acceptable by the owner there is no problem.

The one personality trait that does not go over very well is when the cat has aggressive tendencies. With dogs it can be more acceptable since dogs have the reputation of protection, but an aggressive cat is not something most people are looking for.

Aggressive cats can be quite dangerous. Although cats don’t have the ability to do as much damage as some other animals can, cats are agile and quick and can inflict great pain in a quick moment and then disappear. An aggressive cat around young children and babies is a highly dangerous situation, because babies don’t know how to defend themselves against an attack from a cat. An attack from an aggressive cat, for example, can permanently scar a child’s face.

While there may be some cats that are aggressive by nature, most aggression is man made. Cats who have been abused or tormented have only one way to defend themselves and that is to be aggressive. Another common reason is if the cat has pain. Painful teeth with deep cavities is very common with cats. A cat with excruciating pain in her mouth will act aggressively if someone comes near her face.

So what should you do if your cat is aggressive? You may be able to work out some of the issues with your cat by demonstrating tenderness and making the cat feel as comfortable around you as possible. You should also make sure that your cat has ample opportunity for getting plenty of exercise, because if your cat is starved for some activity it may culminate into aggressive behavior.

It may be that your cat is just aggressive by nature, or is acting aggressive due to a dog in the house, or young children. while aggression is most often due to fear, it can not always be trained away. If your cat is a risk for young children or babies, it may be best for all involved to find your cat a home with no children.

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