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Your cat on a leash? You may be surprised…

Most people who have owned, or been owned by, a highly independent cat, would never even conceive of the idea of putting a harness, or leash (leash!!) on their kitty and taking her for a walk. The mere thought is bound to produce some deep rumbling chuckles within the cat owner. Their cat on a leash, being told where to go? Sounds unbelievable, but read on, your kitty may be about to discover a whole new exciting world!Even considering the nature of the cat, many cat owners are happily walking their very happy cats on a harness, walking jacket or leash. It may sound impossible, but it can be done with some patience, (OK, maybe a LOT of patience) and your cat can get a whole new life, safely enjoying the outdoors and getting much needed exercise at the same time.

Teaching a cat to wear a leash is not an easy task. Your cat has to have the right personality for something like this, and as an owner you need to have an immense amount of patience.

Your cat may get scared the first few times venturing outside. This does not mean that your cat can not learn to walk on a harness. Be patient, and make the outside encounters as quiet and interesting as you can. Keep them short as well. A short fun time outside will make a good impression on your cat.

Remember, this is all new to your cat and can be quite frightening. Taking it slow will pay off.

When looking to buy a leash, the best options for a cat is a harness, or even better, more safe, and much more acceptable by cats, is a walking jacket. The harness or walking jacket will give kitty more comfort, and you more control.

Before venturing outside you may want to practice with the lead at home first. Don’t be overly concerned with your cat’s reaction at this. Once outside they do tend to get a selective focus, tending to forget all about their leash as they sniff and explore a myriad of fascinating items.

While persistence and patience pays off in making your cat get used to not only a leash and harness, but also going outside, if it is obvious that your cat is not getting less stressed and is indeed suffering, then maybe you are better off finding some other way for your cat to enjoy the outdoors.

You can keep trying, but there are just some cats who won’t adjust to something like this. If, on the other hand, you notice that your cat seems just a little more at ease every time you go out with the leash or lead, then keep trying.

You may find that eventually your cat actually enjoys the walks outside, and gets really excited over the prospect of heading outdoors. It’s a great way to allow your cat to explore without worrying about where it will wind up.

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