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Anti barking collar

If you are worried about your dog causing problems with your neighbors, then you are probably aware that your dog is barking excessively. There is a good chance that if your neighbors complained enough you could get a visit from animal control, and if its often then you could have your dog removed from you.

Finding out why your dog is barking is the best way to stop dog from barking once and for all. Excitement, boredom, anxiety and stranger alert are some of the reasons your dog might be barking excessively. Usually if there is things in their environment that is bothering them, and until you figure out what it is, they will continue to bark.

If you are considering using an anti barking collar as a training method for your dog there are a few things you should know first. Stop barking collars are designed to help correct your dogs behaviour, they should not be used as every day apparel. You should not use a anti barking collar if your dog is neurotic, as the shock from the collar cause cause him even more problems.

A citronella collar is a collar that does not use a vibration, instead it releases a spray of citronella in front of the dog. Dogs do not like the smell of the citronella and will soon teach the dog that when he barks it releases the smell. The other type of anti barking collar is a static collar. A static collar is activated by the dog barking and sends off a vibration, this is unpleasant to the dog, and he or she will learn fairly quickly that it will keep happening when he barks.

A stop barking collar is not a inhumane as you would think. The anti barking collar does not have any electricity in it, and the shock that your dog receives is that of a vibration that makes it unpleasant for him. The shock will not send your dog whimpering in pain, it will only give him a little fright. Stop barking collars, if used correctly can be a very good way of correcting your dogs barking habits.

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