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Clothes for your stylish dog

The dog clothing market is huge. People used to buy dog clothes for a specific function such as a warm sweater, for a tiny dog to wear in cold weather. Some dog fashions are beneficial for our dogs. There are dog boots that protect your little dog’s feet from ice, cold, snow or even rock salt. Some dogs just do not like their feet getting wet, so rubber boots are great for them. Dog coats and dog sweaters protect our tiny companions from losing heat in the cold weather or from indoor air conditioning. Dogs such as the hairless Chinese crested need clothing to protect them from the cold or sun, so having a wardrobe for your little dog is necessary for some pets.

Many people buy wonderful clothes for their beloved pet strictly for fashion. Some just want their pampered pooches to look as good as they do and feel money is no object. Celebrities certainly were instrumental in making dog clothing popular, by showing their pets wearing fantastic outfits and accessories. Clothes designers have got on the bandwagon. They are now designing and making fabulous clothes for our wonderful dogs.

Many dog owners love special holidays such as Easter, Christmas and Halloween, so they can dress their pampered pets in Santa suits, ghost outfits or even as cupid. Often pets enjoy the attention they get from their owners dressing them up and pampering them.

Unlike years ago, there is a huge, varied selection of pet clothing and accessories because of the market demands. No longer just for smaller breeds of dog, there is clothing available for both large and smaller dogs that keep your pet dry, warm or fashionable. Our pets are such a valuable and loved member of our household and give us unconditional love. In return, we feed and shelter them and love them back. We have now added ‘clothe them’ to this. Because domestic breeds have adjusted to our environment standards, they require more protection from bad weather just as we do. Many of the smaller breeds lose body heat fast, so protective clothing helps reduce this loss.

When shopping for dog clothes remember there are dog boutiques and shops that specialize in everything from day-wear dog fashions, designer dog clothing, cold weather wear, to unique and fabulous evening dog clothes. Make sure you have extra room in your drawers or closets for your pets clothing. Better yet buy them their own dresser to store your pampered dog’s outfits.

Many of the doggie clothing boutiques allow owners to bring their pets in when they are choosing clothing for them. This way you see what the outfit looks like and have the fun of seeing others with their cute dressed dogs. Just like our clothing, dog’s outfits come in sizes from extra, extra small to extra large. Make sure that whatever outfits your decide to purchase, they fit your dog properly. Safety is extremely important, so dog outfits should have nothing that a dog can pull off or injure him or herself on.

Kelly Marshall

Kelly Marshall is a popular writer - where you can find dog beds, dog steps, pet ramps, and more unique dog gear.

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