Are you thinking about going hunting with your dog? It’s a wonderful way to bond, and many dog breeds were bred to handle the intensity of the sport. Before you begin this adventure, ensure you have the essential dog-hunting gear to keep your dog safe.
Poop Bags
You can disrupt the environment when you don’t clean up after your dog. It’s an essential part of wildlife etiquette. Always carry poop bags with you for easy disposal. Have a handy holster where you can hold the waste with you until you can dispose of it. Remember to never leave the bag in the woods.
Travel Water Bottle and Food Bowl
Your dog needs to stay adequately fed and hydrated while hunting. There are excellent collapsible dog bottles and bowls available that are easy to stash when you don’t need to use them. Find the right set for your dog, and you’re good to go.
These products make it easy to feed and hydrate your dog when you’re out and about. You can also use them during the off-season on hikes, biking trips, road trips, and more. They’re incredibly convenient, and you’ll use them often.
Pro Food and Hydration Tip
Don’t forget to pack enough dog food and water for the entire day or trip.
First Aid Kit
From rocks to sharp sticks to wild animals, there are plenty of ways for your dog to sustain an injury during hunting. A human first aid won’t contain the necessary items to care for a dog wound. Pick up a dog first-aid kit with cleansing wipes, sting relief pads, and gauze designed to treat animals.
Hunting Vest
Visibility is vital when you take your dog hunting. It helps avoid potentially dangerous and fatal accidents. Hunting vests come in bright colors to ensure you and other hunters notice your dog. Ensure the hunting vest you pick out is waterproof.
Hunting Collar
A hunting collar is another piece of dog hunting gear you should have. There are plenty to choose from, but there are features to look for when purchasing a hunting dog collar. Like the hunting vest, the collar should be brightly colored. Also, make sure you look for a durable one.
Now that you know the essentials, it’s time to go shopping. You’ll be ready when hunting season rolls around, and your dog will thank you.