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Buying Yorkshire Terrier puppies

There are a lot of things to consider before choosing a new pet from a litter of cute Yorkshire Terrier puppies. Of course before you get a dog or any pet in general for that matter, you are going to want to be sure that you are going to be willing and able to put in the time and care that is going to be required of them. Sure owning a pet may sound exciting and fun to you at first, but you certainly do not want to realize that you made a mistake a couple weeks down the road.

Yorkies are known as being one of the smallest dogs on earth and even fully grown they usually weigh no more than seven pounds. Although they are incredibly small, they are certainly not lacking in personality, and in fact they are often described as being a big dog personality in a small dog body. They are very alert and make great watchdogs.

If you have decided that you are interested in Yorkshire Terrier puppies then of course you are going to have to figure out where you can go to get them. There are many options available to you here, but the best idea is usually to find a breeder. This way you know that you will be getting a healthy and happy dog, rather than one who has been at the pound and may have been abused.

It does not have to take long for you to determine the good breeders from the bad, just make sure that you do your research and that you ask lots of questions.

The Internet is going to be a great resource to you here, and can help you to find a wide selection of different breeders around the world, and in particular in your specific area. Yorkshire Terrier puppies make for great pets, and you are sure to fall in love with them the second you get them home.

It is very important to get these puppy shots while they are still puppies, because little puppies have a certain amount of natural immunity that they get from their mother’s milk but this wears off by the time they are around eight weeks of age.

Also remember that obedience training is very important and should be done as early on in the puppies’ lives as possible. This ensures that they well be well behaved and well mannered, which is particularly important if you are planning to have the dogs around children. You can do certain training techniques yourself or you can take them in to an obedience class or course. You will of course have to pay a fee for these services but it is well worth it for the results that you will have with your dogs.

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