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Choosing purebred Bichon Frise puppies

The Bichon Frise is a breed of dog with a long history. It has roots back to 600 B.C. and has existed in its current form since at least the European Renaissance. The Bichon Frise began as the Barbichon, a companion to Spanish sailors on trade expeditions. The name was shortened to just Bichon until the French added Frise to reference the breed’s most striking feature, its white, curly fur.

Known for its white, curly fur and intelligent, sociable disposition, the Bichon Frise has continued to gain popularity. Today, this breed is often mixed with other purebred dogs to create new designer dogs that have features of both breeds. Mixed breed Bichon Frise puppies are highly desirable due to their resemblance to fluffy white cotton balls.

The name of the Bichon Frise has changed over time. It descended from the Barbet, was called the Barbichon for many centuries, then called the Bichon, and finally the French added Frise to the name to reference the breed’s curly fur. The American Kennel Club registered the breed in the non-working group under the name Bichon Frise in 1973.

This is especially true for Bichon Frise puppies that often have tear stains under the eyes from mucous discharge. It is important that owners clean the ears and eyes regularly to prevent staining of the fur and to keep Bichon Frise skin allergies in check. Though Bichon Frise fur does not shed and is hypoallergenic to most people, Bichon Frise themselves are very prone to allergies.

Bichon Frise puppies and adults are also distinguishable by their outgoing, friendly and hyper dispositions. Bichon Frise puppies are highly intelligent and loving but require regular activity. There is even a phrase to describe this breed’s random bursts of hyperactivity- “the Bichon Frise blitz”.

Choosing the best Bichon Frise puppies starts with choosing the right Bichon Frise breeder. Bichon Frise puppies should be raised in a clean, adequate kennel owned by the breeder where puppies have received socialization. Most breeders sell puppies when they are approximately eight weeks old. A good breeder will have begun housebreaking and disciplining puppies and setting a schedule for them.

Potential Bichon Frise puppy buyers should visit the breeder’s kennel and ask to meet the puppy’s parents. The sire may not always be available but the mother, or dam, should be on-site. Buyers can observe puppies and make sure they are healthy, happy and well socialized.

Reputable breeders care about the puppies they help to produce and want them to all go to fantastic homes, so buyers should expect to answer quite a few questions also. Bichon Frise puppies bought from a good breeder with ensure that you have a good resource fro which to get advice about the care of your new pet.

Mary Stevenson

As a dog owner and lover, Mary Stevenson understands that no matter what breed you are looking for you need to take your time and ask lots of questions when you are looking for a breeder. There are many Bichon Frise breeders out there you just have to know how to find the right one. The best idea is to learn as much Bichon Frise information as you can and then go looking for a breeder, so that you can make the most informed and intelligent decision.

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