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Dog breeds – What would the right choice be for you?

Congratulations on deciding to get a dog. So, what breed are you looking into? We understand that choosing one dog out of all the dog breeds can be a bit complicated. Would you believe it if we told you that there are two hundred breed of dogs in this world? This thought can be very overwhelming.

Choosing a dog is generally not something that can be done in a day as it will take some time and research. Now, there are many factors that you should look at when it comes to the breed you are choosing. Below, you are going to find some questions that you should ask yourself as you are searching for the best breed for you.

For starters, what size of home do you live in? If you have a small home, then it may not be a good idea to pick a dog that is large as the large dog likes to be in a big area.

However, the small breeds do not require much room and would be perfect for your small home. If you have a large home, then you are more than welcome to a large breed.

Do you have kids who are living with you? If so, then choosing the small breed may not be such a swell idea. Why? This is because small breeds are fragile and they are easy to hurt. Your child could accidentally hurt the dog.

How much exercise will the breed require? If you have a fenced in yard, then an energetic breed such as a pit bull or hound would be a great idea. However, if you have a small yard, then you should look into the dogs that are not high in energy.

When it comes to different dog breeds, you also need to think about the type of fur they have. If you love to groom dogs, then it would be a good idea to choose one that has long hair. However, if you do not like grooming pets, then you should choose a short hair pet.


Lee Dobbins

Lee Dobbins writes for where you can learn more about dog breeds and dog care.

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