There are few things cuter than a Beagle puppy, which is undoubtedly why this breed has continued to maintain its reputation for being one of the most popular breeds to have as a family pet. However, with the demand for the breed comes people who are looking to capitalize on the popularity of the Beagle without concern for the health and integrity of the breed. As a buyer who is interested in Beagle puppies, it is up to you to find a reputable Beagle breeder to get your dog from.
There are two different ways that you might come in contact with a Beagle breeder, either in person if the breeder lives in your area or over the Internet. There are precautions that you can take to check the reliability and integrity of your breeder, no matter how far away the person may live from you.
What Questions Should I Ask?
There are a number of questions that you should ask a potential Beagle breeder before you ever check out the dogs available from him. First, a responsible breeder will be willing to let you meet one or both parents of the dogs to see if they are both healthy and well socialized. Another important issue to cover with your Beagle breeder is genetic problems that tend to run in the Beagle breed. Your breeder should be well versed in the issues and should be able to provide documentation of testing for his dogs.
Other questions for your Beagle breeder will relate more directly to the litter that you are considering. For example, you want to make sure that the breeder feeds his puppies only high-quality dog food, and that the area they are living in is clean and well maintained. Your breeder should provide documentation of veterinarian visits, and your puppy’s immunizations should be up to date when you bring him home. Find out how soon puppies are released to their new homes? seven to eight weeks are generally thought of as the acceptable age for pups to be released.
Beagle Breeders over the Internet
Since many folks choose to do the bulk of their business transactions over the Internet today, purchasing a puppy from most Beagle breeders in this manner has become much more commonplace. However, electronic transactions require a few extra steps to ensure that the puppy you purchase is the one you actually get. First, always follow up electronic correspondence with a phone call or two to ensure that the Beagle breeder is a real person.
If he does not provide a location, or he asks you to send payment to a different state or country from the one listed on his website, you will probably want to find a different breeder. You can also request a signed contract prior to the purchase of the puppy that will help to protect your interests if the breeder does not deliver what he promises.
By following some basic procedures and doing your homework, you can protect yourself against unscrupulous Beagle breeders that are more interested in making a quick buck than they are in the betterment of the breed.
This will help to ensure that you end up with a happy, healthy puppy that your family will enjoy for many years to come.
Here is another helpful link when looking to find a Beagle breeder — What you should ask your Beagle breeder