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Labrador rescue and where to find it

It takes a cold and cruel person to abandon or abuse a Labrador dog and if you know of a situation where a Labrador dog is being abused or has been abandoned then you should do the right thing and contact a Labrador rescue group right away. There are resources all around you that can help you find a rescue group and it is the right thing to do rather than let the poor dog suffer.

One of the best resources for any humane group contact information is your vet. Your vet is very concerned about the health and well being of all animals and does not want to see any dog suffer any more than you do so they would gladly give you any contact information they may have. If you do not use a vet then just contact one from the phone book and they would be glad to help.

People always underestimate the value of their local newspaper when it comes to finding important community contact information. Chances are that your local newspaper either publishes the contact information for a Labrador rescue group at least once a week or has the information available for people that may want it. Give your local newspaper a call and ask if the can give you contact information for any Labrador rescue groups.

The Internet is one of the greatest communication tools ever created and you can use it to find local Labrador rescue groups to help you out. Even if all you find are the websites of national Labrador rescue groups you should still check out the sites because those groups usually have satellite offices and one of them may be close enough to help you find some help for a poor Labrador and get that abused or abandoned dog out of its abusive situation.

Many national animal rescue groups have local satellite offices that you may be able to contact for assistance so go ahead and browse the national animal rescue group websites and if you do not see any local contact information then give them a call at their national headquarters and see if they can offer you any assistance.

Check your area for any reputable Labrador breeders and chances are that they would be willing to act as the Labrador rescue group for you. Many reputable breeders have no problem taking in abused or abandoned Labradors because the breeder does not want to see an animal suffer any more than you do. So contact a breeder and explain your situation to them and ask them if they would be able to take in this poor neglected animal and give it a second chance at life.

Never turn your back on an abandoned or abused Labrador or any other animal that is suffering. In many cases all you have to do is make a phone call or two and an animal rescue group will come out and take care of the situation.

Every animal deserves the chance to be happy and no pet deserves the horror of being abused or abandoned so if you see a situation that requires immediate attention then track down contact information for a local animal rescue group and give a pet a second chance.

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