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Miniature Pinscher: Brave and tiny Doberman-like creature

As ants have Queens and as humans have leaders, so does the adorable, playful and tiny little group of toy dogs has a “Queen” in the form of the Miniature Pinscher. “Queen of Toy Dogs” is what the world knows this dog for and ZwergPinscher meaning Dwarf Terrier in its country of origin, Germany. This dog looks exactly like a tiny Doberman only it came to the world first before its enormous counterpart.|

When Karl Friedrich Louis Doberman intended to breed the very first Doberman, he had in mind the qualities and appearance of the Zwergpinscher only 15 times larger. Supposedly, he crossed with it a Deutscher Pinscher or German Pinscher and the result was the very first Doberman. The Miniature Pinscher or Min Pin is believed to be a cross of smooth coated Daschund and Italian Greyhound.

Also called Min Pin, this tiny breed is overly spirited, playful and amiable and has great loyalty and protective instincts. It can fight viciously against any sizes of animals and humans in order to defend its master and its territory. Originally, the Min Pin was considered as a work dog and was used to hunt vermin in the stables but today, this breed is considered purely as a toy dog that displays promising abilities in dog sports and as a watchdog.

Before it was further developed, the Min Pin used to have a stout appearance and a rather coarse coat. Today, due to breeding enhancements, the Min Pin became quite refined and smooth coated. Its coat appears in colors red, stag-red, black and chocolate with markings of tan, rust, and blue or fawn.

This little creature possesses a well-chiseled, muscular and compact little body and a natural refined and calm bearing. In grooming, this dog only requires combing and brushing using a firm bristle comb and a once in a while shampooing. It is not prone to shedding as well and in fact, a damp and warm washcloth can easily remove loose hair from its body.

The Min Pin is a sociable creature but it is inclined to stick to a one or two people interaction only. To avoid this disposition, at an early age, the Min Pin should be exposed to different humans and animals. Before it turns in to an adult, make sure that you have socialized it to different kinds of groups.

Obviously, this breed is tiny but it does not view itself as such. In fact, it unabashedly and fearlessly challenges any kind of dogs even those that are bigger. This temperament makes the Min Pin a superb watchdog but not a great companion in an apartment style setting. This creature tends to bark excessively and it would undoubtedly result in complaints from the neighbors.

Additionally, the limited space of the apartment is not ample for the Min Pin to strive happily and healthily. This creature needs not just daily walks but at least 45 minutes of intensive work outs and playtime, too. Its exercise venue needs to be a wide yet fenced space in order for it to romp around freely and vigorously without escaping out to the neighborhood.

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