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Personality of the Shih Tzu dog

So you and your family have decided that you are ready to bring a Shih Tzu into your home and lives. You have a nice home and plenty of love to give and that is all you need to know when picking a dog, right? Unfortunately, this is not the case, as many different types of dogs have different types of personality. If you select the wrong dog, you may have a situation you did not expect to happen. It is best to know what to expect before selecting a puppy.

Think of it like you are building a blueprint for the perfect dog and compose a list of things that you need your dog to be. Once you have established the type of dog you and your family want, you can compare this to the personality of a Shih Tzu dog and see if you still think that it is the perfect dog for you. For some it will be, but for others it won’t. Either way, it is better to know upfront instead of finding out after your dog has been brought home.

Now that you have a better understanding of what type of dog would be the perfect fit into your already busy life, it is time to review the personality characteristics of the Shih Tzu dog. What generally makes this breed a fun one to have is that they are very outgoing and peaceful with other pets and strangers so they can be taken just about anywhere with you. Also, this smaller breed is very sturdy even though they are tiny, with their short legs and long body.

The Shih Tzu dog is also not as yappy as other toy breeds, which would make them a great fit into a family that has neighbors close by or just does not like constant barking. This particular breed also does not need a lot of exercise and therefore is great for those who can not get out as much as other people. A Shih Tzu dog is also known for being stuck up but this is not the case at all. While they are a proud and dignified breed, they are also very playful and a happy pet to have in your home.

But if you are looking for a breed that will not be prone to a lot of problems, which can require costly vet bills, then this breed may not be for you. The Shih Tzu dog is prone to many things but problems with their breathing are often the most noted issue.

Because of their face structure and upturned nose, the Shih Tzu’s have a lot of breathing problems which can unfortunately lead to heatstroke if they are in hot and humid weather for too long.

Even though those beautiful, large, and shallow eyes are amazing to look into, they are very much at risk for infection and eye injuries. Disk problems also generally occur in these breeds because of their long backs and their joints are often times a cause of a lot of pain for them.

Their shallow-set, yet large, eyes are at risk to infection and injury. This breed is also known to have some disk problems in their back along with kidney and skin problems so this is something to consider before jumping into owning a Shih Tzu dog.

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