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Pug dog health care tips

The Pug dog breed is one of today’s most popular breeds and anyone who
is thinking about adding one to their family should become familiar
with the specifics of pug dog health care. The Pug as a breed has been known for over 3000 years. They were
accepted as a member of the AKC Toy Group in 1885 and are known for
their flat, pushed in face which is wrinkly as well as their curly tail
and short fur. Pugs have a hefty short body, usually weighing between
13 to 20 lbs and standing about 10 to 14 inches high.

Ironically, it is these very unique features that actually
attribute to the unique health concerns of the breed. However, this
should not deter you from adopting one as providing the proper care to
avoid these health issues is really quite simple.

First, there is the dog’s wrinkly skin. Unfortunately, your pug’s
adorable skin folds are prone to infection — you must consult your
veterinarian immediately at the first signs of infection. You should
bathe and clean your pug regularly — particularly making sure you
clean in between the wrinkles, removing any dirt or debris because that
can cause bacteria build up (which could lead to infection).

Another factor which could cause pug dog health problems is its eyes.
Because of its peculiar shape and location on the face, the pug’s eyes
are not protected properly and are prone to injury and other problems.
Look for any inflammation in the eye regularly and take the dog to the
Vet immediately if you identify any problem in the surrounding area.

If allowed, pugs will eat to excess. Watch your pet’s food intake
carefully to keep him at a healthy weight — being overweight could
adversely affect a pets health as much as it would a person’s.

Pugs are very sensitive to heat and humidity, so don’t leave your dog
outdoors without shade or locked in a car during the summer. An
overheated pug can have a hard time breathing, so make sure that you
don’t leave him anywhere where he might be subjected to high heat for
any length of time.

Of course, like any dog, taking proper care of your pug and taking him
to the vet for regular visits is the best way to insure good pug dog
health. Take care of your pug responsibly and you’ll have your
companion healthy and happy for many years to come.

Lee Dobbins

Lee Dobbins writes for where you can learn more about dog breeds and dog care.

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