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Pug puppies as pets

The history of the Pug puppy is vague. Breeders believe the breed is approximately 4,000 years old and most believe that it was originally the result of a combination of Pekinese and Bulldog. Many people believe that the breed was originally an Asian breed until the Dutch explorers introduced the small dog to Europe.

In recent years the Pug dog breed has been enjoying a growing popularity. The Pug is a toy breed of dog, the average height of the a full grown Pug is ten to eleven inches tall and they typically weigh between fourteen and eighteen pounds. Dog owners are thrilled to find that they have a variety of colors to choose from when looking for a new Pug puppy.

Pug puppies are an excellent choice for people living in apartments. All that is needed to manage the puppy’s active nature is regular walks. A Pug puppy is an excellent choice for a person who doesn’t have the time or desire to spend a lot of time on an extensive grooming regiment. All Pug owners have to do is make sure the Pug’s eyes are kept clean, its nails routinely trimmed and that the coat is occasionally brushed.

Pugs love everybody. They love children, babies, dogs and other pets. The Pug’s amicable personality does not detract from its value as a watchdog. The little dog is alert by nature. The minute the little dog hears someone approaching the home it makes sure the rest of the occupants know that they have a visitor.

The one thing Pug puppy owners do have to worry about is the Pug’s over all health. Because the puppy’s eyes protrude from the Pug’s face the owner needs to make sure that the dog doesn’t have any scratches or other ocular injuries. Some Pug’s have respiratory problems and can develop allergies. Another health concern typically associated with Pugs is over eating.

The Pug does have some health concerns that the owner needs to be aware of. Owners have to keep an eye on the puppy’s protruding eyes to make sure they aren’t punctured or scratched. Pug owners need to watch to make sure their Pug puppy doesn’t over eat or develop respiratory problems.Once you’ve picked out the Pug puppy of your dreams you have to bring the pup home and introduce it to your family.

One of the most important things to remember when bringing your Pug puppy home is that the more organized you are before hand the smoother the whole process will be. Buy the things you will need a few days before you plan on bringing your new Pug home. You will need a crate, food and water dishes, puppy food, chew toys and a collar and leash. Try to set the crate up in an area of the home that is quiet but not so out of the way that your new Pug puppy will feel isolated.

In addition to being organized, try to remember that you are not only taking the Pug puppy to a completely new and strange environment you are also taking it away from it’s mother and litter mates. Be ready to comfort your puppy and make sure it feels safe and secure with the sudden changes in its world.

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