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Red Setter: brief history of the red setter breed of dog

The red Setter is a breed of dog instantly recognizable by any dog owner. They are childish, boisterous and fun loving for every second they are awake. It is one of the reasons the red Setter is one of the most popular of all dogs, in both America and right across Europe.

The Red Setter is believed to have been initially bred about three hundred years ago.

In spite of the Setters reputation as a gentle family dog, the Red Setters origins began back in Ireland, where it was bred as a hunting dog.

The Irish Setter is actually famous for his acute nose and astute temperateness. And as part of the hunting group of dogs, the Red Setter was always dependable at pointing out highland game birds.

It was not until the beginning of the19th century that the first Red Setters were introduced in to America. The breed became very sought-after and praised for its sensitive nose and fast pace ability over every kind of ground.

The breed became less popular from 1940 and it was arranged that the Irish Setter be crossed with another breed of dog which could offer more to the original Irish bred dog.

It was suggested the Irish breed could do with some vitality to help the failing dog. So by the endeavors of a gentleman from Pennsylvania USA, by the name of Ned LaGrange the breed was maintained.

Mister Ned LeGrange spent a good deal of cash to take on the last complete examples of the Irish Setter dog left in America and he imported specimens from Europe. The traditional white and red Setters were crossed with the English Setters, which resulted in what we now call the red Setter. The modern breed has a slightly lighter looking coat than the original strain.

Red Setter. Is this a dog you should choose as a family pet?

The Red Setter was originally bred to be a hunting dog, and good exercise is paramount to the overall well being of the dog . Setters are inherently goal oriented dogs. They do not adapt well to being left in a backyard and they hate to be left alone with nothing to do for to long.

As a good dog owner you should commitment yourself to taking long walks with your Red Setter, and running is another fantastic daily exercise programme to keep this energetic dog breed happy. They are a reasonably healthy breed of dog, though some red Setters are prone to genetic disorders, like hyperthyroidism, epilepsy and hip dysplasia,.

Overall, the red Setter is considered to be a friendly animal, and although their size might have you thinking they should make good guard dogs, they are actually just too darn nice, although their bark is loud enough warn off trespassers!

The Red Setter is a gentle breed of dog, good with children, and an excellent companion.

It has be documented that Setters tend to stay puppies long after they are classed as adults. Nevertheless, these domesticated dogs are intelligent, caring, if not a bit mischievous, which could be a bit hard in the beginning.

Consider some form of Obedience training early in the dogs life to keep the Red Setter trained and behaving properly.

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