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Rottweiler 101: The breed standard

Although some breeds of dogs look pretty much alike, the Rottweiler is highly distinctive and easily recognizable. The Rottweiler breed standard firmly outlines what defines a show worthy form of pet quality Rottweilers. Just because a Rottweiler might not meet the physical breed standard doesn’t mean they won’t make good pets. A spayed or neutered Rottweiler will be healthier, calmer, less attractive to thieves and pays attention to you more.

Rottweilers average about one hundred pounds, although some specimens only tip the scales at seventy-five pounds. They can vary in size and amount of fluffiness, but have the same basic body shape and head shape. They have powerful, Mastiff-like muzzles with prominent teeth, large soft eyes and floppy ears. They are almost always black and tan, although some can be almost pure black. The allowed colors for the undercoat are grey, tan and black.

The body of the Rottweiler should look like a canine tank on legs. They are solid muscle, stand square, with a deep chest and powerful limbs. Dewclaws must be removed in show dogs. A moving Rottweiler should give the impression of being on the case, ready to defend his master and family at a moment’s notice. The paws are comically huge on puppies, but are still large and broad on adults.

The expression on a Rottweiler’s face is in direct contrast to their powerful, tank-like bodies. Their eyes (always brown) look curious and full of wonder. Their ears are floppy, like a Jack Russell’s. Some heads are rounder than others, and some are quite blocky with a Boxer-blunt muzzle.

Rottweilers love people despite the cruelty and tail-docking they often have to go through with people. They are loyal and devoted to their families and wary with strangers. Since they are so easily trained, they also can be easily trained to attack.

Rottweilers have to be shown with docked tails. According to Rottweiler information, the docked tail “honors the breed’s special character”. They are chopped off by the breeder and usually not by a veterinarian when the Rottweiler puppies are two or three days old, when the bones are still soft. In England, all Rottweilers born after April 2007 must be shown with natural, long, curving tails, as docking has finally been banned.

Rottweiler breeders are now breeding for a breed standard character as well as a breed standard body. More and more, only Rottweilers with gentle temperaments are allowed to breed (although puppy mills are still a problem, but not so much with Rottweilers anymore due to their size).

If Rottweilers don’t get regular exercise, and plenty of it, they can become like little children who are kept indoors on a day they’ve eaten too much caffeine and sugar. The Rottweiler gets very exuberant to the point of hyperactivity, and often do not know their own strength. They are not the best breed of dog choice for the first time dog owner, for those of a shy or timid personality, or for those with physical problems.

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