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Rottweiler has unique traits

The Rottweiler is a German breed that is best described as a working breed that was at first used as a guard dog and also a cattle driver, and its use goes back to ancient times. There are other names given to this affectionate breed including being called Rotty and Rott. The Rottweiler is large in size and very strong and because of its independent nature and domineering personality, it sometimes becomes unmanageable and thus contributes to a number of Rottweiler problem behaviors.

Keeping these behavioral problems in mind and also because of their size and immense strength, the Rottweiler is often not the best choice for all people or first time dog owners. In fact, Rottweilers need to be firmly controlled and thus need proper obedience training and even sending them to formal obedience training schools may be required. However, because they are working breeds, they respond well to training and are not as difficult to handle as the Saint Bernard and Newfoundland breeds.

Proper Rottweiler training to rid this breed of any behavioral problems is not difficult, as the breed like to please it's owners. Rottweilers are well loved for the companionship they give their owners and they are very affectionate and loyal.

Usually Rottweiler problem behavior is seen in its being prone to bump and herd other people, which seem to be an ingrained trait in this working breed. Other than that, and also its bullying nature, there is not much to worry about regarding your Rottweiler's behavior that cannot easily be resolved through Rottweiler training.

One common Rottweiler problem behavior is that of bumping and also trying to herd people, which are characteristic of this working type breed. Another Rottweiler problem behavior is that of being destructive and generally it will dig up the ground and chew on whatever it can sink its teeth into. The situation is its worst when the Rottweiler is either a puppy or in early adulthood and thus requires timely and proper Rottweiler training to get it to come out of such problematic behavior. It is also recommended to crate train the Rottweiler in its infant stage and also ensuring that the Rottweiler is confined when the owner is away.

Basically, Rottweilers are calm as well as confident and blessed with plenty of courage and are also very self-assured. It all adds up to the fact that there are not really any Rottweiler problem behaviors that will give rise to cause for concern, and whatever problems do arise are more of an individual thing rather than Rottweiler specific related.

However, with proper Rottweiler training, you should get the best out of your dog and it will also make him perform well in the show ring. If you give it enough attention and plenty of care, such as a well balanced diet and good grooming, you will not notice many problems with your Rottweiler.

Any Rottweiler problem behavior that you notice in your pet can easily be resolved through proper Rottweiler training, and provided you devote enough time and give it much attention, it will remain under your control and not prove to be a difficult pet to own. With proper training, a nutritional diet and quality veterinary care will ensure that your Rottweiler will live a long and happy life.

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