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Shih Tzu breeding: What you need to know

When a lot of people think of breeding dogs, the first thought that seems to come into everyone’s mind is that of money. There seems to be a lot of money that is being made by dog breeders, especially for those who are into Shih Tzu breeding.

And while this is a profitable business, it should not be the main reason that anyone is involved with breeding in order to make sure that the Shih Tzu care is not neglected.

If you truly love getting involved with Shih Tzu care and want to help others receive healthy and loved puppies, then you may be on the right path. Sharing your passion and love with others is an excellent reason to get involved with Shih Tzu breeding. When starting out, in order to ease into things, you will want to start out with just one pair of adult Shih Tzu’s in order to be able to place all of your focus and attention on them.

When you finally decide to begin taking steps towards Shih Tzu breeding, it is suggested that you start with parents who are totally healthy and have an excellent temperament. While this is not a promise that their pups will result with the same characteristics, it is worth every effort to help make it happen.

If you aren’t able to do this it may be because you have just adopted these dogs in order to partake in Shih Tzu breeding. And while that is fine, you want to know that you are breeding dogs that are not only emotionally stable but healthy as well since the Shih Tzu breed is prone to many different illnesses and back problems.

It is vital that you discuss with your vet that you intend on breeding this pair and let him or her check them over for health concerns. Your vet may be able to point out problems that could arise with breeding that you were not already aware of. Hopefully, with the right steps in the beginning and by taking your time, you will be able to breed healthy and loveable Shih Tzu’s.

Know that you are ready to begin with Shih Tzu breeding; you want to create a safe environment for your dogs to breed and live during the entire process. It is generally best with this breed to keep them indoors and this is what you will find many other people who breed them doing. While under your care you must make sure that the adult dogs remain healthy by giving them proper diets and even possibly vitamins that your vet may suggest.

And one the most important things to do is to make sure your adult dogs are getting proper nutrition during the entire process, just like a human female would have to do during her pregnancy. Even though you are always cautious of the dogs diet, you want to be extra careful during this time, as it is vital to her recovery and the health of her pups. Talk with your vet about what special diets or even maybe vitamins that you would want your female to take.

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