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The Boxer: Being big and strong and gentle of heat

If you want a companion that, just like you, has a no-fuss and always on the go kind of temperament then the Boxer is right for you. This creature may look big and strong but it is surprisingly low maintenance. They are very energetic, loyal, intelligent, eager to learn, and agile yet they clean easily and make no fuss about it.

Just like a true military man, Boxers exude that simple and always-on-the-go temperament. Maybe this is because for centuries, since the conception of their breed, they had been on the side of many soldiers during battles and nobles during hunting games. These activities required the dogs to be fast learners and agile and the Boxers were born to be just that.

This breed, being huge and strong themselves, are descendants of the massive guarding, fighting, and herding dog of ancient Greece- the Molossian Hound. This breed spread across Rome, Europe, and Britain all along accompanying men in hunt and at wars. In the 1800s Germany, the breed branched out in to two different breeds; Brabanters being the smallest conceived of the modern Boxers.

Brabanters lived in castles and great manors when the great hunt and ancient wars were of existence. But along with the disappearance of these extravagant feats came the displacement of the Brabanters into butcher shops and theatre. From noblemen and military companions, the breed ventured its energy and stoic disposition in to cattle herding and acting.

The name Boxer, according to some, are either derived from the dog’s boxing-like hand gestures or its box-like head. What’s for sure, however, is the fact that it is the Germans who established and flourished this breed. In the year 1895, the first Boxer club was founded in Munich Germany and in 1903, the Boxer first came to the United States.

The Boxer’s characteristic and disposition made him the ultimate people dog. They are sociable and friendly but at the same time careful with strangers; fearless when they have to fight, playful and highly energetic. They have the tendency to be stubborn and boisterous and so obedience training is necessary.

Even though Boxers can stand looking so big, strong, and dignified, they shouldn’t intimidate you. Their history in battles and hunting games are long gone and today, they are only affectionate and patient pets to humans especially children. They are surprisingly stoic that they can stand children’s poking, persistence, playfulness and unending energy.

With this creature for a companion, you will definitely experience fast maintenance. You don’t have to care for them like other high maintenance pets for they clean quickly with wiping. So if you’re needing for a companion that’s friendly, a fast learner, and is easily pleased then the Boxer is the correct breed for you.

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