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The delightful English Springer Spaniel

If you ever come across an English Springer Spaniel, you will be greatly surprised by this delightful animal, for it is eager to please, keen to obey, and is quite the charmer! Take a gander at his endearing long ears, compact body and a tail that doesn’t seem to know when to stop wagging and you’ll know what I mean. You’ll undoubtedly be pleased with this affectionate, sociable animal, for he is alert, attentive, and possesses a sweet disposition.

To ensure this animals health and ability to focus are addressed, make sure your English Springer spaniel gets plenty of exercise and fair amounts of activity because this dog has outstanding stamina and energy! Providing that you are dedicated to regularly combing out mats in their silky, wavy fur, which can either be black and brown with white markings, or mostly white with black and brown markings, the English Springer spaniel will make an outstanding house dog. Based on the color of his pelt, this dog’s gentle, medium-sized eyes are either brown or hazel in hue.

Because of their sincere, good-natured attitude, English Springer spaniels are superb around people, and generally steal the hearts of everyone around them. Springers love water and may always get themselves wet and muddy from playing in puddles, so keep towels ready! This animal is best suited with owners who employ a firm but loving hand, and can give them clear, straightforward rules and a consistent structure to follow.

Springers are grouped into two different lines: show dogs and field dogs. It is perhaps in this breed that the great disparity in appearance between the working and show lines is most apparent, for the two seem to be almost completely different breeds. Field Springers are raised specifically for hunting and field trial work, while bench Springers or show dogs are reared mostly for conformation shows.

This breed works excellently with pet owners and trainers, due to their amicable, sweet nature and intrinsic ability to feel comfortable around people. The English Springer Spaniel takes to water like a fish, so expect him to get wet and muddy on occasion! This dog is best matched with a trainer who employs a soft but steady hand, and is able to clearly set rules and a fixed structure to adhere to.

The Springer can either be a field dog, or a show dog. The English Springer Spaniel represents seemingly the greatest differing difference between working and show lines of any breed of dog. While bench types, or show dogs are mostly raised for conformation shows, the field Springer is primarily bred for hunting and field trial work.

Field Springers have shorter, coarser fur than the show types, who have long ears, thicker hair and hanging flews. Their ears are not as pendant-shaped, and they have a more untamed look to them than the bench dogs. This is because field Springers are bred firstly for their nose, hunting skills, and ability to follow orders, rather than their appearance.

In sum, the English Springer Spaniel gets along with other animals, such as ferrets or cats. If they’re going to be in the same household as pet birds, however, they may require additional training as they innately and instinctively hunt these. Alongside its great hunting skills, the delightful English Springer Spaniels energy, lively good nature and inherently happy spirit will inject a good dose of cheer and character into your family and household.

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