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The history behind the Poodle

It is commonly understood that the Poodle is one of the most
intelligent of all canines. Often the Poodle doesn’t give their owner
much trouble and provide their owner with a consistent companion that
is interesting and responsive. The breed also has excellent talent and
versatility, which gives them a high aptitude in learning.

Despite popular belief that the breed originated in France, the breed
actually originated in Germany. The coat and form of the breed makes
them closely related to the old water dog known as the Pudel. At one
period the breed was trained to retrieve waterfowl but today the Poodle
is no longer regarded as a sporting dog, although the eager fondness
for water is still displayed on occasion.

However, there are other things to consider and not just the history of
the breed. There is also a history behind the standard poodle cut,
which leaves tufts of hair on the thighs and around the feet.

The Poodle is most known for their hair cut, which features a trim on
the face, legs and body while leaving tufts of hair on the thighs and
rings of hair on the feet. It is not known what the exact origin of
this hair cut and custom is, but this type of cut does help to reduce
the labor of daily grooming for those who have the Poodle as a house
pet. This means that the owner of a Poodle can easily maintain the coat
in good condition so the dog can remain healthy and good in appearance.

The hair can twist into cords and continue to grow if the Poodle coat
isn’t brushed constantly. The entwining of the new and unshed hairs
then results in a rope like cord. This cord can then cause discomfort
and a lack of freedom in the animal’s movement if left untrimmed. This
is why you want to maintain a short hair cut for your Poodle, although
this doesn’t mean you have to maintain the standard Poodle cut.

Throughout time when it comes to popularity the curly haired Poodle has
seen the most advancement. With their smart and clean appearance the
Poodle makes a very pleasant companion as long as they are brushed and
combed regularly with the occasional washing. The Poodle is commonly
found in black, white, brown and blue colored coats.

Many professional trainers prefer the white Poodle since it is
considered to be the most intelligent. Next is the black Poodle when it
comes to intelligence while it is generally considered that the brown
and blue Poodles are lacking in character. Today you can find many fine
specimens of the breed since the curly coated Poodle has improved
greatly since the early 1900’s.

Also recently the toy poodle has gained in popularity. They have the
same official standards as the full sized Poodle, the only difference
being that they are no more than fifteen inches at the shoulder, but
are basically a miniature version of the full sized dog.

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