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The importance of buying from a well-known Chihuahua breeders

Everybody loves the sweet little dog from those Taco Bell commercials, and it is true that Chihuahuas make lovely little pets, but did you know that the lives of these small dogs, when purchased from a pet store, can be a long and difficult trial to be sure? It is a sad fact in our country today that many of the desirable small breed dogs are being churned out by the hundreds each year by unscrupulous breeders who run puppy mills. A Chihuahua breeder supplying pet stores with these little dogs is usually a part of one of these terrible and inhumane centers.

Many pet store owners are unaware of the terrible conditions in which the dogs raised by one of these Chihuahua breeders are kept. The majority of pet store owners actually think that they are buying from a respectable Chihuahua breeder, never knowing that they are actually helping the puppy mills to stay in business. The truth of the matter is that a respectable Chihuahua breeder would never sell a single pup to a pet store. Preferring instead to thoroughly research anyone who requests a pup, in order to make certain that their pups are going to good homes.

This spreading pandemic of dishonest Chihuahua breeder is forcing more and more people to join the fight to end their despicable breeding practices. A Chihuahua breeder that runs a puppy mill generally cares for nothing other than the money that he or she can get from churning out dozens of litters in a year. With Chihuahuas already being so small, the female must usually deliver her pups via cesarean section. Each litter she has deteriorates her body a little more.

Worse yet is the fact that a dishonest Chihuahua breeder will not take each litter of pups to a quality vet to receive the proper medical attention that small breed puppies need. By the time the pups reach the pet store they can be quite sick and often dying. Many an unsuspecting would-be owner has found himself or herself with a brand new puppy that costs them thousands of dollars in veterinarian bills, only to die shortly thereafter.

By only purchasing new puppies from a respectable Chihuahua breeder you can join the fight to stop the inhumane breeding practices of puppy mills. Each time a puppy is purchased from a pet store more money is being funneled into these mills, making them more profitable and more prevalent than ever.

Even pet shop owners who claim to only buy pets from respectable breeders need to realize that a real Chihuahua breeder would never sell a pup to a pet store.

The most important thing to remember is that an honest Chihuahua breeder will never sell a single puppy to any pet store. Respectable breeders will make certain that their pups receive the medical attention they need to ensure they are healthy, and will never breed a female before she has completely healed from her last litter.

Join the fight against puppy mills by talking to your vet, and asking for a recommendation for a respectable Chihuahua breeder today!

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