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The Pomeranian breeder and the pet store

The Pomeranian is quickly becoming the most popular small breed dog in the world today. These dogs are known for their fluffy coats, and their elegant demeanor; but are becoming more so known for their affectionate and playful natures. Even in Hollywood the people can’t stay away from these precious little dogs, and we see countless starlets and celebrities walking their precocious balls of fluff right beside them down the red carpet.

Unfortunately, this increased celebrity has left a wide open market for the dishonest Pomeranian breeder. Though many people are unaware of it, a respectable Pomeranian breeder has a long list of responsibilities that he or she must adhere to in order to produce only the healthiest of pups. These responsibilities are for the protection of their puppies, as well as for the protection of the new owners. Sadly, most people don’t realize these responsibilities are so important, and impatiently purchase their new dogs from a pet store.

The first thing that anyone who wants one of these sweet little dogs must understand is that a respectable Pomeranian breeder would never sell his or her pups to a pet store. Since a pet store is obligated to sell their animals to anyone with the money to buy, there is never a guarantee that the dogs will be going to a good home.

An honest Pomeranian breeder will put each person who wants one of their pups through a rigorous screening process in order to make certain that they will give the best care possible to their dog.

Most people do not realize the extensive screening process that a respectable Pomeranian breeder will require possible owners to go through. These breeders are concerned about the quality of life their dogs will have in their new homes, and would never dream of selling their puppies to a pet store where they have no control over who can take one home. Only a dishonest Pomeranian breeder would have such little concern for their puppies’ well being.

Don’t be fooled by pet store owners who do their best to tell you that their puppies only come from an honest Pomeranian breeder. These pet store owners are highly trained in answering that question, as the world’s awareness of the atrocities of puppy mills grows. But nevertheless, do not be fooled when a pet store owner tells you that he or she only buys from a local breeder. You’ll only set yourself up for heartache when your new dog turns out to be potentially fatally ill.

A Pomeranian is a wonderful dog that can provide you and your family with a long and happy relationship. When you make certain to only get your new dog from a well respected Pomeranian breeder, you do you part to help make sure your new dog will be healthy; but also to help stop the puppy mills from making any money.

A Pomeranian makes a wonderful family pet, so don’t you think your family deserves the very best?

Rosie Allan

Rosie Allan loves small animals including Pomeranian puppies. Pomeranian puppies are toy dogs that make excellent household pets due to their small size and loving temperament.

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