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The Poodle breeders you don’t want to deal with

When looking to find that perfect puppy to bring home, it is important to know what to watch out for when looking at different Poodle breeders. Remember, you should not only be studying the different puppies but also the breeders because if they do not seem to know what they are talking about or they seem to have been mean to the puppies in any way, it is best you find another breeder.

You have to be careful that they did not abuse the puppies either physically or mentally because that can come back to haunt you later on even though you were not the person who was mean to it. There could also be a lot of physical problems that can come from terrible Poodle breeders and these issues could end up costing you hundreds of dollars in vet bills and maybe even the puppy’s life.

All this could come back to haunt you down the road and that is the last thing you would want, after all, you brought that puppy home to have a happy life together. If there is anything about the breeder or the situation that make you uncomfortable then there is a reason for it and you should listen to your instincts. Make sure that you pay attention to how the puppies act around the breeders because if they seem tense or afraid, then there is probably some abuse going on.

And another way to feel out the breeder is to ask a lot of questions because if they are really in it for the right reasons, they will have a lot of information to share with you. It is important that you are given the time needed to make sure you are picking the right puppy for you. After all, this is a big decision since that puppy could be in your life for the next twelve to fourteen years hopefully. You should never feel rushed and if it seems that the Poodle breeders just can’t wait for you to give them money and leave, then they are probably in it for everything but the right reasons and you want to shop elsewhere.

All good breeders know that they should try and provide you with a lot of information about the breed and about the particular puppies you are looking at. If they seem to lack that knowledge or the desire to share what they do know with you then you really need to go somewhere else because they are probably not very good breeders as far as you can see.

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