Getting your next Beagle puppy (or even a dog) from a Beagle breeder is a lot more expensive than going to a pet store, but you get a lot more for your money. Not only that, you are assured that your puppy was not bred in inhumane conditions at a puppy mill. Most pet stores and online sites in America that sell and ship puppies get their puppies from these barbaric puppy mills, where dogs are treated worse than battery hens.
A great Beagle breeder will be happy to answer all of your questions as best they can. That way they know your chances of having to give up the dog are slim. As much as you want to know if their puppies are good enough for you, great Beagle breeders want to know if you are good enough for their puppies! Don’t be afraid to ask any questions about breeder licenses, their show record, or to see health certificates for Mom and Dad Beagle.
In the excitement of looking for a puppy, you may forget to ask some important questions. Write the questions down if you have to. It is okay to first contact a Beagle breeder via email or phone instead of visiting the kennel.
Perhaps the pups are not even born yet, and then they won’t be ready to be weaned until they are two months old. They should have their first shots and first wormings paid for by the breeder.
Make an appointment to see the Beagle breeder’s kennels. This way you can find out what kind of background your Beagle puppy is coming from. Beagle kennels, like all dog kennels, should have healthy, friendly dogs. There should not be a noticeable foul smell, any overcrowding, any sickly dogs, or any dogs living in stacked crates one on top of each other. There might be quarantine areas you will not be allowed to see because sick dogs are in there. This is normal.
No Beagle information question is off limits – ask to see the parents and to have a tour of the kennels. You need an appointment for this because kennels are usually on or in people’s homes. Get to know the parents a bit as personality and social traits are passed to offspring. If you are not sure, ask the Beagle breeder about Beagle grooming, feeding, and what toys they prefer.
Beagle breeder visits
An ethical breeder will also let you visit, pet, and play with the parents, so you know what personalities they are. Always visit the actual breeder’s kennel before agreeing to a pup. No ethical breeder will have dead dogs on the property, keep their dogs in stacked crates, or stink to high heaven.
The best Beagle breeders should also be a good source of Beagle information if you should have questions months down the line.
If you currently have a beagle or are looking to get one, let us know your experience below in the comment section. Many other people may also be looking to find the best Beagle breeder and your feedback would be very valuable to them! Thanks for considering offering your help! Also here is another article you may find helpful in your search for the ultimate Beagle – How to find a Beagle breeder