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What you should know about the Pug Breeder

Now that you are finished gazing over all of the puppy pictures on the Internet and you are through with reading all about each and every breed known to man kind that you can think of, you have finally decided to bring a Pug puppy into your home and into your heart. All you have to do now is to find a place where you can purchase your Pug from and if you are like some people, you may feel that keeping yourself away from a Pug breeder is best when trying to find a healthy and well-behaved Pug.

The people who do not like getting pups from Pug breeders each have their own reasons so they opt to go and get a puppy from a pet store. But what they are failing to realize is, that all puppies sold in a pet shop have come from a breeder. Therefore, the pug you are looking at in the pet shop came from a Pug breeder. The difference is, you are not able to approach the situation in an educated manner because everything that you hate about breeders is still there.

It is extremely important to really sit back and think about why it is so important to you to not purchase from a Pug breeder. If your reasons are because you want to make sure that you get a puppy that is healthy and that will not end up with any behavioral problems due to the neglect that happens in puppy mills, you need to think about a few things. Not all Pug breeders run puppy mills and there are a lot of breeders who take excellent care of their animals and love each of them dearly.

But, the problem is that people are not thinking deep enough to ponder just where exactly the puppies in the pet store come from. The fact of the matter is, that pet stores are not breeding their own animals and they are purchasing them from breeders. So, any Pug that you see in a pet store came from a Pug breeder without a single doubt. The difference is, you were not able to see exactly what type of breeder it was because not all are bad and not all are good.

Now that you truly understand that even going to a pet shop is not keeping you safely away from puppy mills, maybe you can now see that you will have a better chance at getting the healthiest puppy from a Pug breeder that you can meet in person.

This will allow you the chance to look around the breeder’s location and to see just how the puppy acts in that environment. If there is any abuse or neglect going on, this is the way to find out as the pet shop will not know or officially care about where exactly the puppy came from.

Any animal that comes from a home that was full of neglect and abuse is bound to end up with issues. This can come out later in their life as bad temperament, destruction of property, and violence like biting you or other animals.

But then again, if you really would rather put the responsibility onto a stranger, then by all means you can pick up a Pug at your local pet shop that got the puppy from who knows where.

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