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Why a Rottweiler breeder is better to buy from than a pet store

There are a whole host of reasons why a pet store is a bad place to get a pet and it is an especially bad place to get a Rottweiler. You should always get your Rottweiler from a reputable Rottweiler breeder and someone that not only takes the time to breed and care for your dog before you get it but also teaches your dog the basics of surviving in a home environment before you even take it to your home. There are a lot of really good reasons to avoid pet stores and the list gets longer every day.

A pet store is great for getting all kinds of supplies you may need for your pet but they should never sell living animals at a pet store and there are a lot of reasons why.

Pet stores use what the humane societies in the United States call puppy mills. Puppy mills churn out puppies constantly without any regard for the health of the dogs or any good breeding habits. While they live in their cages they are fed and watered but they get no interaction with people and have no clue how to live outside a cage.

A good and reputable Rottweiler breeder takes their job very seriously and wants to make sure that you leave with all of the care and feeding instructions you are going to need to take care of your new puppy. The breeder also knows that a new home is stressful for a puppy so they will take the time to get your puppy used to a home setting before you even get it into your own home which makes adjustment easy.

A pet store clerk is there to ring you out and take your money. They usually know nothing about your dog and can offer you absolutely no advice that is going to help you in raising and caring for your dog. Your puppy has only seen people through the grate of a cage and has never been outside their cage so your home will be a brand new, and potentially terrifying, experience for your pet store puppy.

A reputable Rottweiler breeder will monitor the health of the dogs they are raising and make sure that you are getting a dog that is as healthy as possible. A puppy mill puppy is more than likely going to have health problems as they are not properly bred and they are not properly cared for as newborns. They are product bred for profit and that can lead to many problems.

To a pet store a puppy is a product and some products have problems just by the mass production methods used to make them. This is truly a sad way to treat an animal and is something no one should support.

Pet stores have their niche of selling pet supplies that we all need for our pets but they should not be selling live animals at all. Puppies sold at a pet store have a very low chance of a healthy life and that can be an unfortunate outcome for you and your family as well as the puppy. If people stopped buying puppies from pet stores then maybe they would finally stop selling them and puppy mills would cease to exist.

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