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Dog grooming care – 4 reasons why you need to

Dog grooming care is an enjoyable, but a minute aspect of dog care overall. But, it is a fundamental part of keeping your dog “ship shape”.

Washing, brushing and grooming your canine are important for many purposes:

1. It is a bonding experience between you and your dog. The more you care for your pet the more dependent they become upon you. You will demonstrate the “alpha” status, where you are numero uno in the pack.

2. Brushing is extremely good for your “best friend”, especially if they are a big shedder. If you had matted hair, wouldn’t you want your hair brushed? Periodic maintenance eliminates lifeless hair and replaces natural oils along the skin and makes the hair look brilliant.

This may not look like such a valuable deal, as far as dog grooming care goes it is in fact a really important stage of the grooming process: the more your dog enjoys it, the less trying the complete experience will be for both of you, and so the more often you’re likely to groom her or him – which boosts the health benefits for her (him).

3. Dog grooming care incorporates routine checkups to look after fleas, ticks and other “creepy-crawly” things that get on your dog.

4. Groomed canines are highly flattered in public and it raises the canine’s self-esteem. Just think how you seem when you look positively handsome…that is precisely how your dog feels too!

Be certain to treat your dog with respect. A clean dog is a healthy dog.


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