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Recommended dog grooming equipment for a happier dog owner!

Grooming your dog has never been easier with the right grooming tools
out in the market nowadays. From bathing up to trimming their nails,
there are grooming equipments which makes grooming experience easier
and enjoyable for both ends. Even though there are times that it is
hard to give your stubborn dog the cleaning he needs, it is solely your
responsibility as their master to maintain their cleanliness and well

Here are some grooming equipments that should always be consider to properly clean and groom your dog.

Dog Shampoo, Conditioner

shampoos and conditioners are the basic essentials to properly wash
away dirts which your dog acquires from his daily activities. In
choosing the best dog shampoo and conditioner you have to consider how
often you need to clean your dog. Giving your dog a bath should depend
on how dirty he is, it is because frequent bathing will strips away his
natural protective oil that irritates their already sensitive skin. The
best way to tell if your dog needs a bath is through his smell and of
course his appearance. But if your dog is involved with too much
outdoor activity choose a dog shampoo that is mild and has a
moisturizing effect. A conditioner specifically formulated for dry skin
is also recommended to give your dog the extra moisture and for a
longer lasting clean smell as well.

Never use a human shampoo on
your dog; because human shampoo has a higher PH level that can irritate
you dog’s skin and also their eyes. Not to mention dog shampoo has an
easy rinse formula and also deodorize well and leave your dog’s coat
shiny for a longer time compared to human shampoo that is formulated
for human hair.

Dog Nail Clipper and Dog Hair Clipper

nail should not be taken for granted for it is one of the most
important in taking good care of your pet’s health. Dog nails is one of
the most favorite living areas of germs in which also could cause an
infection. Dog hair clipper is also an essential tool in grooming your
dogs long hair and also a great solution in giving your dog an
immediate relief to some skin problems. Before using the dog hair
clippers make sure that your dog’s hair is thoroughly dry. Do not use
clippers made for human beings, it is because human hair clippers will
not stand up to the rigors of dog grooming. By using dog hair clipper
you can give your dog the special cut that will boost their appearance
which will definitely make you hug them.

Dog Brush and Comb

long haired dogs, frequent brushing is a must to avoid tangles in their
hair. Brushing your dog’s hair before bathing is also recommended to
remove dead hairs, that is because water creates tight matts in the
loose hairs.

Dog Dental Care Supplies

many veterinarian said, oral disease affects over 80% of dogs by the
time they’re three years old. This could only mean that dental care
should not be taken for granted. You can use a dental finger brush with
a dental gel for dog and gently rub their teeth. Do not use toothpaste
made for human being for it might upset your dog’s stomach and might
scare your dog from the taste of human toothpaste. There are also
dental chews that can help massage your dog’s gum while reducing plaque
and tartar.

Reprinted with permission: 

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