One out of ten dogs suffers from canine diabetes. What makes it dangerous is that its symptoms are not always noticeable yet its adverse effects are irreversibly damaging the dog’s organs and internal systems. This sickness is gradual in its progression, but definite in the havoc it is creating. Diabetes must be treated as soon as possible or else will prove fatal to the dog.
Certain breeds are more prone to diabetes. This disease will also show itself around the seventh to the ninth year of the canine’s life. There are limited options, if any at all, that will help your pet if he is diagnosed with diabetes in the more advanced stages. Listed are symptoms of dog diabetes that you should look out for.
1. Excessive thirst and urination. Diabetes causes the canine to adequately process glucose. He will try to deal with the overproduction of glucose by urinating more frequently than usual which in turn, causes him to be thirsty and drink more water. This is not to be confused with bladder infection or incontinence as found in older dogs. Observe the appearance of the urine. Urine that is too runny and pale is often a sign of diabetes.
2. Fatigue. If your usually active dog is easily tired without any clear cause it is indicative of something internally wrong with him. It is important that you are able to notice sometimes imperceptible and seemingly harmless behavioral changes that might actually need medical attention.
3. Significant increase in weight. Diabetes causes insulin deficiency which implies that the dog will not be able to burn sugar as he normally could. This means that a lack of energy and an increase in body weight is to be expected. When the dog begins to gain weight without any particular reason, something is not working right in his body and you must have him checked immediately.
4. Unexplained loss of weight. A dog with diabetes is unable to derive enough energy from the food that he eats so his body compensates by burning stored fat. The outcome: increased levels of ketones and weight loss. This is a customary side effect of diabetes but it can be helped through a healthy and nutrient-rich diet.
Perhaps the main cause of this sickness is simply heredity. It is a good idea to check the puppy and its parents? medical history to find out if the pet is susceptible to diabetes. Sometimes, infections and diseases trigger abnormal insulin production in the dog, thus causing diabetes. Cushing’s disease is an example of a condition that may initiate canine diabetes.
It is of vital importance that you remember and take note of any changes in your dog. Symptoms of dog diabetes will manifest and when they do, be sure to take them to your vet as soon as you are able. Diabetes sometimes leads to canine death but when it is discovered early on will not prove to be terminal. Maintain regular vet appointments to ensure your pet’s optimal health.
Additional please check this article also: Understanding Dog Diabetes and Ketoacidosis (www.barkleyandpaws.com)