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Dog’s Cushing’s Disease: Don’t get fooled by these signs and symptoms of Cushing’s disease in dogs

What is dog’s Cushing’s disease? Dogs Cushing’s disease is a common problem that affects senior pets, and is caused by overactive adrenal glands. This condition can easily be confused with premature signs of aging in dogs. Cushing’s disease symptoms include:

* weight gain * hair loss * urinating in the house * increased consumption of water * increased urination * increase in appetite

Thankfully, this disease is treatable and once treated your dog can live a much longer and healthier life. This condition can be treated at home using homeopathic remedies.

In dogs, Cushing’s disease can look like the debilitating effects of aging, so some pet owners may mistakenly consider euthanasia in order to let their pets go peacefully. It is very important to understand when your dog is truly just aging or if they are suffering from Cushing’s disease. Your vet can help you determine what your pet is facing.

In dogs, Cushing’s disease is usually found in pets that are around ten years old. Cushing’s disease is more likely to strike in miniature dogs and in spayed/neutered dogs. Since it can strike just about any dog and there are very few known predispositions for the disease it is sometimes hard to diagnose. Even the physical signs of the disease can be similar to a variety of other health problems.

Because the symptoms are so much like aging it is important to note the symptoms that are more than common signs of aging. These can be disproportionate drinking(water) as 80-85% of Cushing’s dogs will drink 2-10 times their normal amount. Another possible sign is a change in the color of your dog’s coat, 85-100% of Cushing’s dogs have a change in the skin or coat. 90-95% of dogs will also take on a pot-bellied appearance. By recognizing these signs you can treat the disease and make your dog live longer and more comfortably. Once you suspect the problem, a simple blood test could prove that your dog is suffering from Cushing’s.

If Cushing’s disease is left to progress without treatment it can lead to even more serious problems such as diabetes, congestive heart failure, failure of the liver and kidneys, and other problems like infections in numerous places on the body. These problems combined with Cushing’s disease can prove fatal to your pet. So if you pet is exhibiting any of the symptoms for dog’s Cushing’s disease and they are over 6 years of age, it is best to take them to a vet right away for a diagnosis.


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